Keine Noten vorhanden?
Ich möchte wieder zum spielen anfangen.
Früher konnte ich ziemlich ok Melodica spieln und Notenlesen kann ich auch.
Nur irgendwie haben die ganzen coolen Songs die meinem Musikgeschmack entsprechen fast nur Gitarrenoten und teilweise Schlagzeug und Pianonoten.
Ich weiß net wie ich die spielen soll.
Wer nicht weiß was me Melodica is es is sowas:
Kann mir wer helfen?
If you have piano notes, you can apply them to the Melodica buttons. If I’m not mistaken, the Melodica starts with the F in the bass key on the blow piece, the fifth white button from the left would have to be the C’ and then the octaves C’-C” are there, the C”” being the last button on the top right.
That’s how I remember it from school, I hope I didn’t write a garbage. It becomes difficult because you can’t play accompaniment and melody at the same time and it sounds a bit “one-dimensional”.
Yes at klaviernoten is the problem you play with 2 courtesy and not with one.
I mean, I’m kind of gonna come back in because it’s pretty cool to get an instrument.
I would like to be able to do this but I should first look if I am motivated to get back in the melodica after 15 years before I spend so much money
The thing is not a melodica, but a so-called KEYTAR, so basically a keyboard to hang around:
NAMM 2020: KORG RK-100S 2 – YouTube
Delicious part in any case!
Yes but you play them with a hand at the tastes like ne melodica just hold electronic and not to blow
A keybord plays like a piano
And then you can’t change the sounds at the neck
I’ve had a year of accordion lessons just that was a bit too much to me