Keine Motivation / Lust mehr auf die tägliche Arbeit?


ich arbeite nach meinem BWL Studium bereits 7 Jahre. Das Gehalt mit 3.500 EUR Netto klingt sehr viel, doch jeden Monat geht schon fast die Hälfte für die Mietwohnung weg (1.600 EUR inklusive Strom). Am Ende bleibt kaum vom Monat etwas übrig und ich habe langsam keine Motivation mehr für die Arbeit.

Viele Freunde oder Nachbarn arbeiten nur in Teilzeit oder Schwarz, das Geld, was die bekommen wird durch das Wohngeld, Kinderzuschlag etc. aufgestockt, am Ende haben die das gleiche Geld wie wir, ohne einen Tag zur Arbeit gegangen zu haben. Da sind meine Motivation rapide.

Ein Nachbar arbeitet fast immer Schwarz, bekommt 1.000 Euro Wohngeld und freut sich und hat deutlich mehr Geld zur Verfügung als wir, während ich jede Woche 50 Stunden arbeiten muss. Da denke ich mir, Arbeite ich schwarz und bekomme vom Staat alles, wozu soll ich dann ins Büro und dort die Zeit verschwenden?

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Dultus, UserMod Light

Hello dear,

You should definitely change your operation. With 7 years of experience after studying is far more influential than the 3,500€ net. I am with no 4 years of experience and no study and only 40 hours.

Therefore – even look for a new job.

Best regards

9 months ago
Reply to  Miller29191828

I look like Dultus. I was also told about an operation in my area. Now I get more and have a shorter driveway 🙂

Dultus, UserMod Light
Reply to  Miller29191828

Change operation, inform yourself online. This is definitely not “extremely much” and just push you down.

9 months ago

Your salary is very good and you really have no financial problems.

I recommend a set of new friends and neighbors.

I hope you realize that people who, against the law, almost what you pay as a service provider of taxes and levies, can also be able to display anonymously? Isn’t it fair that you pay more charges just because they live from your money, right?

At any rate, it’s anything but easy to work black after studying and not feel like a slave. For jobs for which you get more than half of your “holy” net hourly wage, everyone you can do something good needs an invoice for the tax.

I don’t know why you work 50 hours a week, but if you pay your hourly wage, of course you also have to pay for holiday and Christmas money, paid holidays and paid holidays, paid sick days, what else you get from your employer, pension (!), unemployment benefit, sick leave and also parental allowance.

So your acquaintance has for not having a reasonable job, a decent life. On 3,500 € net – or 2,000 to sprinkled – they will only come with a decent part-time job or pretty good luck.

Oh, yes, if you prefer to clean our house, cut hedges, remove walls and windows or do anything else, please trust me.

At the hedge, however, we have one that makes for 18 €/hour and invoices because it has registered. So, after refunding the 20%, we’ll pay less than €15 an hour and make a first-class job.
Oh, yes, the cleaning lady is also registered. Painters and everything else are professionals.

I don’t know how your friends and neighbors can handle this, but I see a serious marketing problem in black work. Either you make it better or cheaper than others and, above all, much better and much cheaper than those who put the bills. Otherwise it won’t.

9 months ago

The problem is precisely these neighbors and friends because you have so high charges for DENEN.

If they and all those who do it would work normally, pay their taxes and not simply receive housing and other state aids, it would be possible to reduce the levy burden for all.

Also make it clear that if there is more so social life, the money is no longer enough at some point and then suffer from those who really need it and not just relate to egoism.

I would also consider spending, even with the rent there could be a few hundred euros per month.