Keine Morgenroutine?
Ist es schlimm, keine Morgenroutine zu haben?
Ist es schlimm, keine Morgenroutine zu haben?
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Gibt es in der heutigen Generation eigentlich noch irgendwelche jungs die große Frauen mögen? W15 1,83 schriebt gerne auch wie es bei euch ist
If you manage to meet your obligations and plans of the day, you don’t need a morning routine.
I need her, because I’d get into the “way” sometime, to get to work too late.
My “Morgenroutine” usually consists in making tea and wearing it to the bed, where I then dip up to an hour and read (or tapping) on the phone.
Sometimes I shower early, sometimes in the evening… according to your feeling.
So I didn’t fix anything, either. If I want to leave early and I’m still half an hour in the office before the start of work…if I don’t drive right to the first place.
Conclusion: just as you do yourself well…no matter whether routine or not.
It’s not bad, but if you’re clear with the chaos that might arise, keep going. For me that would be nix! 👍😎
It is certainly useful to have routines that give a hold in life. But these should depend on your individual needs. If you notice it is good for you to meditate or make sport in the morning, do this. If you feel more energy and optimism in you, it’s the right way.
What others say is completely irrelevant and can even be harmful to you.
Well, there is a disease that does not allow morning routine and day structure.
That depends on it. If you feel missing something in the morning, it is not ideal at least times. But if you don’t have to do it, it’s great. Every person is different and has to find his own way.
No, that doesn’t have to be, you can do everything in the evening
I’m gonna go after my condition.
“Gum” is not, but it makes life easier.
No, it’s not pee. Go well without
Yeah. Without that, tomorrow is harder to cope. Especially important if you have to work in the morning.
Not bad, but sensible. Otherwise you’ll have some stress. If it’s a routine, you don’t forget.
No, it’s not bad
It makes sense.
Then you are unwashed and with unputted teeth.