Keine Lust mehr auf Partys zu gehen?
Ja, wie es im Titel schon steht, habe ich absolut keine richtige Lust mehr auf die Aktivität Party machen. An den Leuten und der Umgebung liegt es nicht. Mir gefällt einfach die Sache an sich nicht mehr. Also dieses lange wach bleiben, Alkohol trinken. Am nächsten Morgen ist man deswegen nicht richtig fit, auch wenn man wenig trinkt.
In den letzten 3-4 Jahren habe ich fast jede Woche einmal Party mit Freunden gemacht. Könnte es sein, dass ich es langsam über habe ?
das komische ist aber, dass ich eigentlich noch in einem Alter bin, wo man Party machen noch cool findet und gleichaltrige, die ich kenne haben da auch noch mega Lust drauf.
Bin ich einfach nur erwachsener geworden oder was ist los ?
I’m 27 now and I haven’t been really celebrating since I’m 22 ^^I was quite often celebrating, but I’ve had the same thing. I don’t like these full clubs and all the people who are drunk and always this way home and you’re tired the next day.
I’m glad my friends and my partner think the same way. We stay at home or go to the extra sheet. We’re just celebrating in the bud and it doesn’t hurt any of us. (We’re all between 23 and 28)
No reason parties are not cool.
If there’s nothing to celebrate, you shouldn’t celebrate.
And drinking alcohol isn’t good anyway, no matter what scenario or whatever context, drugs are always crappy
I stopped with 20. Before that I was celebrating every weekend and making a party (where I never drank alcohol), but at some point I just didn’t have a bell anymore.
At first, I had to listen to something and, after some time, got the nickname “Oma” because I was rather home. That was hard for me at that time, but today I can laugh about it and I’m glad I didn’t bend for any people, but did what I wanted.
Who can’t accept this is probably not a real friend. Do what you do well.
You’re growing up – called puberty
Listen to your body and enjoy the real life.
Then just leave it…. find another hobby. Party making is limited beautiful. It’s annoying. Do something else and maybe bring your friends.
I’ve already felt celebrations/partys as annoying from 16 onwards. Most parties end up in any immature, stupid actions that are filmed.
I’d rather sit on the terrace with a good glass and enjoy a conversation with me.
So no. I think that has nothing to do with age and what you feel at that age as a “cool” … You’re just too tired of judging your text.
Do what you do well and don’t do what you don’t like. You don’t have to party.
If you don’t like it, it’s legitimate.
I’m 22 and I’ve never been to any celebration. Why?
Because there’s nothing to celebrate, and I don’t have to take unnecessary alcohol to me, drug use, etc.