Keine Lukrativen interessen?
Was macht man wenn man keine Lukrativen interessen hat?
Keime Interessen die man wirklich in eine lukrative Karriere umwandeln kann, keine interessen die einem aus relativer Armut rausholen könnte.
Muss ich dann wirklich etwas machen was ich hasse?
Ganz ehrlich dann bleib ich lieber arm. Ist ja eh nur relative Armut.
Ich weiss, dass ich keine Karriere durchhalten würde die zwar gut bezahlt ist, aber die ich hasse.
Was macht man in diesem Dilemma?
Living with it is not a leg break. Lots of people have hobbies that don’t bring money and call a job that pays average. Otherwise the average would not have been
It is important to find any interest which can be converted into a professional activity. There are tests online that can help.
No. No one has to do an activity he hates. I don’t think you can hate all potential professions.
Your choice, only if you don’t like it, please. The disadvantages are already known to you and no surprise.
Stop pushing such a black white drama. There are hundreds to thousands of different professions. ICh don’t believe you’ve been busy enough with all of you, and that’s why you’ll hate everyone.
You want poverty and social benefits and pressure and possibly sanctions? Okay, your decision. Have fun.
You don’t want to see what interests you and what there is. No one can take you off.
Yes there are many professions but realistically seen nir few are available
Realistically, most of them are available to you.
In fact, the requirements that you have no influence on yourself (size, vision, fitness for health) are rather ne absolute exception.
Most professions place demands on education. It’s in your ways.
Why should I care? I’m zero creative, and I’m not interested in fishing.
Exciting. ICh find it really impressing that you have read at least the letter to each job that is possible in D and in which the interested sound also did interna to determine the
How many years has it taken?
Only from interest, what speaks against stage painter or fisherman?
I don’t care
If you are entitled to special offers or protected measures, it would be useful to use them. That would only be your advantage
If there is no disadvantage, the traditional educational path should be excessively difficult or impossible.
Ggf makes it useful to determine what kind of education you need for an activity that makes you fun. You don’t need anything.
No, that’s the problem. I’ve never been good at school.
become influencers?
It is not about lucrative interests but interests. You got something wrong.
What are you doing all day? If you hate people, social workers or nurses are rather bad. But do you hate animals? If you hate everything and yourself, it only seems problematic at first glance. Many writers have started this.
So you should rethink your mindset in terms of finding a sense in life. Your horizon is probably just too narrow.
If you don’t like the world as it is, then there are two ways that do not exclude one another. You change the world or you change. You have the choice.
I can’t change
But changing the world may be even more difficult.
And on the edge: I can’t say I don’t want to.
Then why do you ask?
It’s too late
You know, the chicory has a lot of time to wait, you’re in a mood. If you’re bad luck, and if you want to, you might be too old and really can’t. In puberty, man loses about half his synapses. I wouldn’t let myself in on it, maybe later I’d like to. But of course you can do what you want. However, you must also live with the consequences.
Because I don’t like
Boy, you’re annoying, you keep the same thing.
What to do if you lose interest in everything?