Keine Kinder kriegen (eierstöcke faul)?
Hallo, ich bin 16 vor ab.
Ich habe meine Periode sehr lange nicht mehr bekommen, bestimmt schon um die 8-9 Monate nicht mehr. Vor ein paar monaten hatte ich mein ersten Frauenarzt termin, ich erzählte ihr das meine Periode lang ausblieb und sie fragte mich ob ich in letzer zeit gewicht zugenommen und abgenommen habe. ich hab 2021 märz 17 Kg abgenommen, jetzt habe ich das doppelte und viel mehr wieder drauf bekommen, sie kontrollierte mein Unterleib und sagte mir das meine Eierstöcke faul sind. Dann schaute sie auf mein Bauch und hat eine starke Behaarung gesehen. Sie wollte mir auch Blut abnehmen aber hab mich das noch nicht getraut weil ich immer krass Kreislauf krieg wenn mir blutabgenommen wird. Sie meinte zu mir ich soll wieder versuchen abzunehmen und dann kann es sein das ich meine Tage wieder bekomme,(versuche mit alles abzunehmen, kcal deifizit etc es klappt einfach nicht) in ein paar monaten hab ich wieder ein Frauenarzt termin bei ihr und sie will gucken ob ich abgenommen habe, wenn nicht bekomm ich die Pille und habe dadurch dann eine künstliche Periode. Sie meinte eine andere Wahl gibt es nicht. Sie verschrieb mir auch Tabeltten die ich zwei wochen lang einnehmen musste (ministison fem oder so hießen die) als ich die einnahm bekam ich ca. 3 monate später meine tage einmal und seid dem wieder nicht. ich hab angst das ich das pcos syndrom habe, ich hab gehört das man da nicht schwanger werden kann, hat jemand erfahrung mit dem selben problem? es ist auch sehr abschreckend da ich noch so jung bin. und kann mir evntl noch mal kurz jemand erklären was es bedeutet wenn meine eierstöcke faul sind? hab das irgendwie nicht ganz verstanden.
edit : ich hab mich auch beim hausarzt auf schilddrüsen probleme testen lassen, war negativ
Are you sure? This is a normal combination preparation for contraception, in other words “the pill”.
There should have been a corresponding clarification. I find the statement with the “faul ovaries” rather strange.
In your place, I would honestly see if there is not another female doctor to whom you can go.
In any case, blood collection would be important, even if it is unpleasant to you. There are usually only small quantities. And so PCOS can be safely excluded or not.
PCOS is a relatively common hormone disorder that can actually make it harder to get pregnant on a normal way. But there are plenty of therapy approaches for this – one of them is, by the way, to get back to normal weight from overweight.
Good luck!
I find the announcement of your gyn quite difficult to formulate it carefully. I would therefore advise you to listen to a second opinion and, if necessary, to make an appointment with the family doctor due to the overall situation (can not lose weight). And you should have blood taken off urgently (with both doctors) – even if it becomes unpleasant for you. But that seems to me quite necessary to go to the cause.
Happy for you!
I’d say blood collection is very important, here your hormones can be determined, you’re missing something.
taking the pill does not solve the problem and I find absolutely the wrong approach.
The pill does not give you an artificial period!
The pill accuses the body of a pregnancy and what you call an artificial period is a bleeding.
Whether your ovaries become more active through the hormone bomb, stay to wait!
At 16 you’re a little young for a child’s wish, don’t you think?
I’d get a second opinion on a second gym.
I also see
of course I don’t want to be children for God’s sake, but if I don’t get my days, then I don’t have the chance to get pregnant
Hello, Selin,
Ministison gave you your first appointment? This is a stag capsule known as a mini pill. This triggers a bleeding, and more cannot be caused by this.
Strong weight changes (so and so) can actually affect the cycle and fertility. Everything’s still growing with you. There are young women who, for example, have no bleeding at your age (rare, but they are).
Most of the time, you’d be clear when you’re watching cycle. There’s a cool book: What’s going on in my body?
At the Cervixschleim (maybe already unconsciously perceived) you recognize that estrogens work. It means fertility. Then “works” progesterone in your body (on a sign from the brain) and the temperature goes high, light, not like fever! You can measure it immediately after waking up in the morning. You can thus know when your period comes and when it is delayed. It is completely normal that for young women the period is irregular. And even sometimes in adult women.
This also gives you a good relationship to your own body and – because that is not so easy for you with weight: that can give you a confidence that you are as good as you are, right and healthy. And this is the best start to feed well and get to the weight that suits you.
That with the rotten ovaries is an impossible statement! But you’ve always written that.
Everything’s good with you! You can assume that! You’re still young and much doesn’t fit together yet, but it’s gonna…
Greetings from Lina
It’s a pity that your women’s doctor is so nasty. I suppose you have a hormonal problem, which would also explain the stronger abdominal hair. A hormone therapy could certainly help.
Whether a hormonal problem is present can be detected by means of a blood test.
This means that processes in connection with the formation and maturation work more slowly than otherwise or not at all properly. This has a lot to do with a hormone disorder. But you have to ask your doctor for details. I wonder why you don’t do that if you don’t understand.
Faul’s nothing.
but it sounds like POC.
This should be known to the gynecologist and can treat lg