Keine Internetverbindung trotz WLAN?

Hallo, bei meinem Router leuchten sowohl die WLAN als auch DSL Leuchte und ich kann mich auch mit dem Router verbinden. Allerdings habe ich keine Internetverbindung, egal welches Gerät ich benutze. Habe den Router schon mehrfach neugestartet und das Problem besteht jetzt schon seit 24 Stunden. Was kann ich tun?

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10 months ago

I already had that. Was in my case an internet failure from the provider. Just call and ask. DSL lamp also lit up with me.

Otherwise, check whether you are correctly set in router IPV4 and IPV6. Some providers do not offer a dual stack anymore. If this is set with you, you also have the problem you described.

10 months ago

This is probably due to the fact that the router no longer receives the Internet. So call the provider and ask what’s going on. If everything is okay from their side, either any lock in the router is active or the router is defective.

DSL bill is paid?

10 months ago

If the Power/DSL lamp lights (not flashes), then your internet is actually present.
To confirm or know exactly, log in to the router’s user interface and under status or status. under events you can see what’s going on or whether your internet is there.
but as already said: DSL lights, internet should be there.

I’m afraid you’ve got WLAN problems here.
And unfortunately you could make thousands of things here to see what’s going on with your Wi-Fi.
Try to turn off the 5GHZ, it can be that there is a type of DAue abort (weather radar etc.)