Keine Internetverbindung Glasfaser?

Guten Tag,

Ich habe folgendes Problem:

wir haben jetzt Glasfaser und es wurde alles so weit installiert (ONT etc.) wir haben den Router angeschlossen und soweit alles okay, es leuchtet und blinkt nicht. Nun hab ich das LAN Kabel in den ONT gesteckt und das andere Ende in die Fritzbox.

Das Resultat: Keine Internetverbindung und ich verstehe nicht warum. Auf der Oberfläche von Fritzbox wird folgendes angezeigt: s. Bilder im Anhang.

Außerdem leuchtet der LAN Slot Orange. Ich behaupte dieser soll eigentlich Grün leuchten. Nur wurde das Gerät erst vor 2 Tagen installiert.

Vielleicht kann ja jemand helfen oder weiß was ich tun kann…

Vielen dank


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4 months ago

Put your Fritzbox in.

Read also the set where to connect the LAN cable to the Fritzbox is different from Fritzbox models.

With my Fritzbox 7590AX you have to use the WAN connection.

Stands where the LAN must be connected to the Fritzbox.

I have the following:

Connecting to a fiber optic connection (ONT)

Select this access if the FRITZ!Box is to be connected via “WAN” to a glass fiber modem that creates the internet connection.

4 months ago
Reply to  Eliisaaa03

Have you read the Fritzbox 7530 which has no WAN connection then is connected correctly on any LAN 1.

Pull the power from the GPON and the Fritzbox and let both reboot.

4 months ago
Reply to  neutral500

Can also try the fritzbox on factory settings to reset and then test whether it works.

4 months ago

See if under Home Network network network settings at the LAN connections 1 Gbit/s is set and above operating mode Internet router is set.More

4 months ago

Contact Axel Schaarschmidt about Whatsapp App Chat 08999720123 who can help you and send you a technician who is shy on site does not work.

4 months ago

If you’d come to the internet, something’s wrong with the Fritzbox.

If it does not work clearly the LAN cable is defective

4 months ago

Wlan turn on the PC that you also use the LAN connection

4 months ago

If you have a PC or laptop, connect the Lan cable directly to the PC and see if you are going to the Internet with your PC?

4 months ago

This must not be switched on

PPPoE Passthrough

Activate this option only if you need an additional own internet connection for a network device in the home network.


Additional costs arise for the Internet connections that are built up by connected network devices themselves.

Connected network devices may also build their own Internet connection (not recommended)

4 months ago

If the light glows green then there is already internet to the GBON and there can also be no disturbance.

In the settings where I uploaded the images, the setting below

IP settings

Access IP address automatically via DHCP

DHCP host name

This setting controls whether this is set

4 months ago

The GPON would also have to have such a leaching point at the top, how does it shine in what color?

4 months ago

Please call the appropriate hotline. They can usually help quickly and identify the problem. It is also important that you discuss the malfunction number if there is a line problem.

4 months ago


Here is a detailed video on the subject, maybe it will help you.

4 months ago

Please take a photo of the router’s side, where you can plug in cables…

And from the back to see what router you have.

You can overwrite the passwords…

4 months ago
Reply to  deruser1973

Do you have an idea?