Keine Haare an den Beinen?
Meine Mutter (64) hat an den Beinen (weder Oberschenkel, Knie noch Unterschenkel) gar keine Haare. Egal wie man schaut, da ist kein einziges Haar.
Meine Mutter rasiert sich ihre Beine nicht… an den Armen hat sie aber Haare. Nur komischerweise an den Beinen überhaupt nicht?!
Wie kann das sein? Könnte eine Erkrankung dahinter stecken?
No friend of mine has the same. It’s genetic. Her mother had little hair on her legs, she has no hair on her legs except two or three hairs
My mother has no hair on her arms, but she said it was old. It may be that you get a hair loss at some point. Can be at the hormones in the alternating years.
No is normal.
It’s often natural. Maybe she did some treatment where the hair no longer grow.
It seems more genetically regulated.
tja bulges just neat estrogen, the strong hairing mainly causes testosterone, which also women possess only much lower, the value can naturally vary, the higher the male wekst at the end