Keine Geräusche baby1?

Hallo ich bin grad schwanger 22 ssw und hab hab mit einem Stethoskop versucht das babyherz zu hören man hört aber nix bzw kein Herz man hört nur ganz viel klopfen aus meinem Bauch aber es waren eindeutig keine Herztöne kann mir jemand weiterhelfen, lg talisa

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2 years ago

You can’t do that as a layman. Even at the CTG, it is sometimes difficult to catch the heart tones of the child. Depending on how the baby is.

2 years ago

Do you have a midwife? Let her lead you. It’s not even that simple as a layman.

The heart of the baby you will hardly be able to hear with the stethoscope.

2 years ago

Yes, go to the doctor. he can make the heart palp audible for you.

2 years ago

You don’t hear that with the stethoscope. Go to your female doctor who can help you.

2 years ago

Before you hear the baby heart with a stethoscope, you hear your own.