Keine First Class Flüge München Berlin?
Findet ihr es gut, dass es zwischen München und Berlin keine 1. Klasse Flüge mehr gibt?
Ich meine, es ist ja gut für die Umwelt und so, aber es einfach gaaaar nicht mehr anzubieten?!
Findet ihr es gut, dass es zwischen München und Berlin keine 1. Klasse Flüge mehr gibt?
Ich meine, es ist ja gut für die Umwelt und so, aber es einfach gaaaar nicht mehr anzubieten?!
Hallo zusammen, kommenden Samstag ist ja das Lanz Dampffestival in Seifertshofen. Deswegen würde ich gerne wissen ob irgendjemand aus Erfahrung weiß, wie viel dort eine Tageskarte für den Samstag kostet. Auf der Kiemele-Webseite werden nur die Tickets für das gesamte Wochenende angezeigt und ein Preis gezeigt und nicht wie viel eine Tageskarte kostet. Danke für…
Es flogen zwei Flugzeuge richtig knapp über unsere Schule. Sie flogen gerade so über unser Dach ca. 1-2Meter. Das eine Flugzeug war weiß mit der Deutschlandflagge darauf,das andere war grau, dass habe ich nicht richtig gesehen. Es war Freitag gegen 12 Uhr ungefähr. Was könnten das für Flugzeuge gewesen sein?
Ich finde blau. Sollten Autobahnen/Schilder lieber blau oder grün sein?
Hallo!Ich frage diesmal bezüglich eines Bekannten. Dieser hatte letzte Woche einen Kurztrip nach Lissabon geplant (mit TAP Airlines) , hatte bereits Unterkunft und alles gebucht. Die planmäßige Reise sollte vom 13.03 bis zum 16.03 stattfinden. Am 11.03 wurde dann geschrieben, dass der Flug gecancelt sei und wenige stunden später wurde dann die neue Route preisgegeben….
Hallo, als ich meinen Flug gebucht hatte stand da “Handgepäck inbegriffen und Gepäck bis 20kg”. Jetzt steht bei der Buchungsübersicht “Handgepäck Inbegriffen und Gepäck nicht hinzugefügt”. Auf meinem E-Ticket steht nur “Gepäck 20kg” ( Ich hänge 2 Bilder an). Ich bin verwirrt, darf das Gesamtgewicht mit Koffer keine 20KG überschreiten oder ist überhaupt kein Koffer…
The fact that there is an ridge on domestic flights has been a long time ago. I am not aware of the abolition of the Business Class on internal German flights (or only the Munich └ Berlin route).
Then you have to fly more often with the private jet, now don’t know what’s good for the environment, but well, the greens were back at work….
When did you think the last flight with First Class was on this route? Two weeks ago?
I don’t know, with the current Corona regulations, it’s terrible to fly.
So good for the environment because you need less space (without 1st class) and therefore more people can fly
So the people flying the First cannot be squeezed into the wood class, there are enough private jets in Germany, no one has to do that.
where am I supposed to be immortal?? You’re here who doesn’t understand the core of the subject. It’s about your disfigured world image! These topics are more profound and give your values price! This is a principle and not a choice of bread!
Hahahahaha XDDD
I would like to discuss further, because this is an exciting topic.
But you are permanently insane and push me into any corners. And I honestly don’t want to talk to an unripe teen.
If you’re trapped and you want to try again, just write. Otherwise Tschau de Mau.
This is the completely wrong approach!!! Through development and progress, something will not improve here through restrictions and abandonment!! Can’t go to China with your socialist thoughts!
No one has tried. And that’s the problem. That’s what’s on our feet. Even fine technology doesn’t save us here. We have to get active ourselves. We didn’t want to start slowly 20 years ago to do something for the environment. So now, the more we have to consider. -> More rules and restrictions
I believe your interest is relatively limited here. The environment can also do something good without giving up any fun in the world! Through progress, we can develop climate-neutral or climate-positive things that even promote the climate here. But to give up everything and to limit ourselves to what we already have hasn’t passed on anyone in our evolution!
You seem really fast. I’ve been talking about the ticket a few days ago and I said it’s sensible. This was about the general reduction of exhaust gases and how we can save the environment. But your interest in it seems to be very limited.
you haven’t delivered a good reason yet… that with the climate is completely weakened, as the ticket is co2 neutral
Ey, there it is: The big ego! Fuck the environment, big choice.
Oh, just on the edge: I write things here that you can find with a little search on YT and Google quickly.
You always say “sense” and “senseless” and you have no arguments. You realize you’re throwing stones on your glass house, right?
then listen to meaningless examples. No person wants to reduce the selection of bread and you’re asking…
Bro, you’d have to go through this all over. That was an example*. But if you don’t want to understand, you don’t understand.
Nonsense, if there is less choice of bread, people eat more meat, which damages climate change.
See the paints? This marks two stitch points that have nothing to do with each other 😉
It is. It’s about the sum of the different varieties. 10 different bread varieties does not need a person. Two. Then we would have to grow less grain, and the fields could recover, or even forests could arise after years. There’s too little here. We use too much space in DE for agriculture. Let me lie: Believe 50% in the area.
when I fly co2 neutral, I also protect the climate.
What does bread have to do with mass livestock?
Marine air is healthier than the exhaust here in Germany.
Whether I’m buying a whole grain bread or a rye bread is no matter for the management of the fields.
I think these are more than enough reasons. =)
Actually, it would also be a good point to start feeding yourself predominantly vegetarian.
Why should I give you less satisfaction? You can live with a bread variety.
We’re already on the next problem of our society.
Consumption. We always want to have 10 varieties of bread to choose from, even if two varieties are enough.
Makes me feel like you were shopping for the huge selection in Miami.
All right, let’s be honest: you just need to go to our Rewe, even there you have more than enough choice.
This is not insulting, but at first you look like a typical person in the consumer society.
if you are satisfied with less choice, you can buy there.
Hm, was never outside the EU. It can’t deny it or chase it. But I don’t intend to fly to Miami for a week’s purchase. Here’s my lover:P
because the Walmart in Miami is better than walking to the Rewe.
You didn’t answer my question. 😉
you can walk, no one will stop you
What’s that got to do with my walk?
the walmart in Miami has a bigger choice and has opened longer…
No, I’d like to walk to the Rewe. There’s a private jet too big and bulky. It also needs a runway.
in any case is private jet flying better than going to foot
Your personal and inconsistent comments show who really has an excess of “dumbness”.
“Just don’t get the same objective. It is also personal.”
The above in my comment was a comparison since you thought I could not use a search engine. You obviously don’t.
Great as you do to distract from your own stupidity to completely different topics…
“Annalena Baerbock calls the Germans as a military man and says she wants to deliver weapons to Ukraine, no matter what German voters think. How do they escape?”
You seem to have been unable to use the search engines in this world on your question. Show more than enough answer. Search is nothing for beginners, right? Nothing to do with the subject, I know. But you don’t even try to google as it seems.
I’ve never heard of this ticket, and I guess. But now I looked at this. The cap and trade principle of the CO2 pellets seems to be quite good even if it has disadvantages. I haven’t looked after how this can be transferred to aviation. But I don’t want to do that today. So good night =D
Phahahaha. You say xD
that has nothing to do with CO2 neutral flying… you should really learn how to use a search engine…
Doesn’t change the fact that the plane runs as much Co2 as without the note.
Of course you can, you’ve never really researched what that means. You actually buy CO2 certificates with which the CO2 emissions are compensated by the flight.
Or you just flee with a normal plane. =)
And you don’t think that you can fly CO2 neutral? Your ass consumes 3-5l per 100km flight distance at good values. And that’s logically emissions.
If there is no First Class seat like the questioner, you have to resort to the private jet. And you don’t have to plant endless trees, you can fly at Lufhansa directly at the ticket purchase CO2 neutral, for that only a fee is due.
You can’t infinite trees plants to compensate for the eject you need some thousand trees per flight plants xD
And that doesn’t change the fact that it’s harmful to the environment. Because this type of flying is inefficient and consumption per passenger goes through the earth’s atmosphere, not just through the ceiling.
Even as a millionaire, I would pick up a first-class seat in a semi-trailer at all, even as the consumption per passenger goes up neatly. But better than if the seats remain free and there are even fewer passengers.
Man doesn’t have to give up private jets… You can compensate for the CO2 consumption in which you plant trees
Like the train? Well, it depends.
But that’s not the point. It’s about how environmental damage these debris are. A plane for 3-8 people. It’s such a mischief. You just book a business class seat. This alone increases the fuel consumption per passenger enormously.
with private jet you get ahead much faster
A 1st class ticket in the train is cheaper. =)
Then you don’t need a private jet that’s completely unnecessary anyway.
where, question on the question: What do you call male pigeons? 😮
Why are pigeons automatically female?!
It’s great. The questioner also asks this question more than 20 years after the abolition – why always.
The questioner thinks it’s good for the environment.
to blame the Greens; can be done, but it doesn’t seem really serious.
It was not at all the reason for the abolition that took place several decades ago.
I don’t care who abolished the First, there are no positive effects on the environment.
It is also easier to “bashen” the greens here, instead of getting properly informed. The Greens (and also other parties) did not abolish the First internal German at all.
It’s totally unnecessary. But I’d like to fly First Class.
When did you think the last flight with First Class was on this route?