Keine familiäre Unterstützung?


mir wird jetzt langsam mehr und mehr bewusst, dass ich von meiner Familie keine Unterstützung bekommen werde. Weder finanziell, noch sozial-emotional. Die gönnen mir meinen Erfolg nicht und wollen, dass es mir schlecht geht. Zum Glück kriege ich Hinterbliebenenrente von meinem Vater, sonst könnte ich mir das Studium auch gar nicht leisten. Ich studiere Medizin, weshalb ein Nebenjob eher schwierig ist. Es verletzt mich zutiefst, dass meine Mutter nur an sich selber denkt. Die hängt auch an der Flasche, also hat ein Alkoholproblem. Ich habe sehr viel Gewalt erlebt durch sie und obwohl die finanziellen Möglichkeiten da sind, hat sie die Unterhaltszahlungen eingestellt. Ich habe irgendwie das Gefühl, dass sich meine Familie gegen mich verschworen hat. Wie soll ich damit umgehen? Ich habe mich als Kind immer angestrengt, allen zu gefallen.

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1 year ago

Is your mother still subject to maintenance?

If there is no social bond anyway, I would not be afraid to go the legal path and to sue the maintenance if necessary. However, we do not know how high the surviving pension is and whether it is therefore appropriate. But you get such information quite quickly with an Internet research.

1 year ago

If your mother’s alcoholic I’m going from that she doesn’t work and also no more own money does that she didn’t drink away because that’s why lawyer would be exaggerated and you can’t afford it anyway somehow try to help your mother on the right drive alcohol makes a lot broken

1 year ago

If you request Bafög, make an application for advance payment, then ask for the part of your mother that she has to afford.

1 year ago

I can very well understand how you feel. My parents didn’t care when I studied medicine. Having experienced a lot of violence in the past and not experiencing a cent support, was more emotionally put down. I got bafög and worked in the course of my studies. That’s kind of going, you’ll get it. And if you did, you can be proud of yourself. No matter what other people think about it.

1 year ago

“and although the financial possibilities are there, it has discontinued the maintenance payments.”

Lawyer. You can charge the payments.

For the emotional management of family circumstances, it must be a therapy.

1 year ago

You don’t get (by far) what you’re legally entitled to? Taking a lawyer and going through would be a possibility. Studying medicine is also difficult enough…

1 year ago
Reply to  Jeremy Edberg

Changes always insecure, which is completely normal. You leave familiar terrain and give up old ties – even if they were completely destructive, such a detachment is an overcoming. But better an end with terror than a terror without an end!