No emotions?
How can I learn not to show emotions? How can I learn to maintain a steady gaze so no one can see how I react to a situation?
How can I learn not to show emotions? How can I learn to maintain a steady gaze so no one can see how I react to a situation?
After the summer holidays, the weather turned cold quite quickly. I feel like I've been experiencing everything worse since then. I even had a relapse in Ritzeb (now everything's fine again!). Could the weather really be a reason for this deterioration, or was it just something else?
Hi, I, a 29-year-old male, was walking along the sidewalk by the river today when there was a young Turkish man who was about 17 and a young woman who was about 15. It was my first time in the city, so I wanted to enjoy the view along the riverbank. They were a bit…
Hello, The question is actually already in the title. What do you call such people? Is it likely a personality disorder? Especially when it's always the other person who's to blame and should change?
I've heard that demons move on this level of astral travel and I'm extremely afraid of it
I think everyone has experienced deja vu. You're in a situation or place, and suddenly you remember having been there before. Or you recognize a person's actions from your dream. What's your take on the topic of deja vu? What's your theory on this? My theory is this: Your previous self wants to warn you…
Is it possible that something happened in my childhood that shaped me, but I can't remember the event at all because I forgot/repressed it?
Actually, emotions are good, but if you want to learn that you need to practice a lot, so probably if you are laughing at friends and trying to look normal in everyday situations, but what I use for sports and apparently in some people acts exactly as you describe is the nutritional supplement Ashwaganda, so I feel a little bit more emotionless.
You will never learn that it is your personality to show emotions that you cannot change. You’re a sensitive person and that’s good. There are too many people who are emotionally blunt, just learn to deal with you and your emotions and accept them. You’re good as you are. Greeting fire bird
This is hard to learn and this is actually also good so to express our emotions openly and honestly through gestures and mimics is a real gift of nature. Otherwise: Just practice, watch funny series and suppress laughing or smiling.
Hi, you can’t “learn” – this is more something you get used to when people are simply not (more) emotionally picked up in many situations. It is, by the way, less “better”, nor “more successful” for you to show no emotions. It may be 13 “cool” to be so about things – but later it is extremely important to reach people emotionally, otherwise you don’t remember.
I can’t recommend. You do it automatically too often and that would not be good in my opinion