No bleeding during pill break but nausea?

This is my first time taking the pill. I took it every day for 21 days, as directed, as usual. Everything was great; I felt really good on it. However, on day 19, I started bleeding. This continued on days 19, 20, and 21. Then it was over. But otherwise, everything was fine.

Then came the pill break. It lasted seven days. Today is day 8, which means I'm starting a new pack this afternoon.

The thing is, I didn't have any bleeding during the pill break. And I had/have nausea since day 5 of the pill break. I'm also feeling quite nauseous right now. I should note, I don't usually experience nausea.

However, I didn't have any (!) sex!! Not at all. No petting or anything like that either. Pregnancy is 100% out of the question. I specifically wanted to take the pill for a month beforehand without having sex. So I definitely can't be pregnant.

Is it because I'm new to it? Or is it dangerous? Should I see a doctor, or is it okay to wait and see?

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1 year ago

That sounds like you don’t get the pill preparation. That’s what happens.

Intermediate bleeding is not bad for the first time and a normal “side effect” of the pill.

With me, by the way, the bleeding always sits on 8. Day one, so I don’t have any bleeding during the 7-day break. Much, she’s coming today or tomorrow.

Go to the female doctor, tell him/her, and I think you’ll get another supplement.

However, protection continues

1 year ago
Reply to  abcde1234567

So I have the same pill, only my name is Gabrielle 20.

The bleeding is also not really something unusual, especially at first intake, the body has to get used to.

If you’re insecure, go to the doctor.

1 year ago

It may happen once that the bleeding is left in the pause. You are still protected when you take correctly. The lubrication bleeding is a normal side effect of the pill, especially if you have restarted it this can also happen. If there’s no bleeding in the next break, I’d go to the female doctor, maybe the pill is too low dosed or so.

1 year ago
Reply to  abcde1234567

No, this is not dangerous, it can only come to undesirable side effects for the individual body with too low a dosage, but it has nothing to do with the protection. The first three months are a reconciliation phase, after which it can also run better.