Keine andere Wahl als Handwerker zu werden?
Was tut man wenn man vom Schulischen her wahrscheinlich keine andere Wahl hat als im Bau zu krüppeln? Find es nicht supertoll, weil ich gehört habe mit 50 ist oft dann schluss.
Andererseits gar nix zu tun finde ich auch nicht gut. Nur war ich nie besonders gut in der Schule, vor allem nicht in Mathematik.
Problem, mein Körper scheint jetzt schon etwas angeschlagen zu sein (rückenprobleme) Dann noch in den Bau, ist wahrscheinlich nicht allzu schlau, oder?
Aber was bleibt mir anderes übrig als Schulversager? Bau ist immer noch besser bezahlt als andere Berufe mit niedriger Bildung.
is not true
today there are so many possibilities, first properly inform
In fact, I’ve been more and more skilled than school.
Also as a craftsman, you have to be able to count on how many materials you need, or if you need to mix something. But you can learn that.
Higher mathematics is required in the fewest professions, the basic calculations and percentages are usually sufficient.
Not every craftsmanship means hard physical work, and it is not a second choice if you create something with your hands.
Office work can be much more exhaustive if you can’t turn off and take problems home.
Go to the employment agency’s professional advice to find out where your strengths lie.
Why should I be consulted?
To find out what you can do, and a professional training where you can use your strengths.
Strengths are, for example, creativity, accuracy, good to deal with people, toughness.
These are available in different forms for each person and are more necessary for some professions than for others.
I just do something
Also on construction there are different hard jobs, dry construction is not so exhausting physically.
More importantly, however, there are definitely also alternatives with weaker school leaving, such as gastronomy, retail, care and many more. They’re looking for people and the notes aren’t the most important.
Gastronomy is much worse paid. Care too. Retail also. The alternatives are worse.
then don’t say there are no alternatives, but you don’t want the others. If the money is more important to you than health, you have already decided
There’s only a minimum wage. Without ascents.
Do you think gastronomy or retail is healthier?
1. I find it a bit unrespectful to craftsmen that you put it as if all “schoolers” land in the craft (in most craftsmen you must have a lot in mind for a good conclusion)
2.vllt it would be an idea to put more into your education and not whining around
I have to make money now, I can’t do school forever, or I’m going to kill you.
“Pictures” does not mean to directly press the school bank nh BAB can already be a start for
So if I can choose between catering retail and construction, the construction is quite clear.
Specifies tons, e.g.
It’s best to make appointments at the vocational counselling.
There are a thousand ways to work than on construction.
You don’t know what you want and dream about the life of a citizen field recipient
No, I wouldn’t think about being a serious mason. Besides, I’ve always found buildings interesting.
Really? How long have you had prospects?
Since I’m not picky anymore.