Keine Abbruchblutung wegen falscher Pilleneinnahme?
Ich habe während der 3. Einnahmewoche zwei Tage in Folge meine Pille vergessen. Darauf hatte ich eine kurze Zwischenblutung. Meine Pille hab ich dann ganz normal bis zum letzten Einnahmetag eingenommen. Jetzt bin ich am 4. Tag der Einnahmepause angekommen und habe immer nich keine Abbruchblutung. Liegt das an den Zwischenblutungen?
Please remember that you can lose protection in a third week mistake.
Please take a look at the package leaflet of your pill. Normally, the pill must be taken through (the break must be omitted). With many pills there is also the possibility to prefer the break. Nevertheless, it must not be longer than 7 days.
Just pretending there was no mistake is the worst thing you can do.
Whether the absence of bleeding is related to the mistake, no one will be able to say with certainness.
Oh, you… I usually know you have to go through. I didn’t think about it. How should I proceed?
But why didn’t you correct the error in the third week (either immediately take a break or leave the break) and now threaten your conception protection?
Happy for you!
I didn’t think about it… was a bit in the stress last week, so was the forgotten pill. How should I proceed? Continue the break week normal?
If not more than 7 days have passed from the day of the first forgotten pill (you ignore those taken after the mistake), start immediately with the next blister – then were, are and remain protected.
Probably more time has passed.
So you haven’t been protected in the last few days and it’s only after 7 consecutive correctly taken pills.
You don’t have to take a break all week now and can take the pill again – the faster the protection is rebuilt.