Kein Verständnis wenn ich mal krank bin. Nicht vom Chef, sondern vom Ehrenamt. Was tun?


in meinem Beruf arbeite ich mit Ehrenamtlichen im sozialen Kontext zusammen. Seit bald vier Jahren arbeite ich an dieser Stelle und fühl mich eigentlich auch ganz wohl. Letztes Jahr ist mein alter Chef weggegangen und es kam kein Ersatz, ich habe mehrere Aufgaben übernommen und ich merke schon, dass einfach nicht mehr so viel Zeit für manches andere ist.

Aufjedenfall war ich jetzt vom 25. Mai an bis eigentlich diesen Montag krank. Ich weiß nicht, was das war, die HNO-Ärztin vermutet eine Superinfektion, also erst Bakterien und dann Viren. Als es begann habe ich noch gedacht: “Ach ja, dass ist nur eine Erkältung”, dabei hatte ich da schon 38,5 Fieber. Das schwankte immer aber um die 38 Grad und hielt bis Mittwoch, den 29. Mai an. Da ging ich dann zur Hausärztin, die mir ein Antibiotikum verschrieb und mich noch nach einer Krankschreibung riet, die ich ausschlug, weil ich meinte, dass ich eh im Homeoffice arbeite. Aber am Abend des Mittwoch hatte ich noch einen Termin, den ich wahrgenommen habe, aber da ging es mir auch schon nicht so gut. Dann am Donnerstag hatte wir ein Großereignis. Schon am Morgen merkte ich, dass es mir nicht gut ging, bin dann aber trotzdem hin. Da sagte eine befreundete Ehrenamtliche zu mir: “Du siehst nicht gut aus. Nicht das du umkippst.” Ich war wohl weiß und so fühlte ich mich auch. Eine andere ehrenamtliche Dame, ehemalige Intensivkrankenschwester, hat sich dafür gar nicht interessiert, sie hat sich nur dafür interessiert, ob ich die Texte dabei habe bzw. lesen kann. Das habe ich gar nicht verstanden, weil ich wir uns immer gut verstanden haben und ich sie überall unterstütze, wenn es geht. Naja, ich habe es überstanden, aber am Abend war ich dann im Krankenhaus, weil es mir so schlecht ging. Herzrasen, Atemnot, hoher Blutdruck.

Einen Tag später war ich noch mal beim Hausarzt, der mir wörtlich sagte, dass ich mich nicht wundern soll. Ich soll und muss jetzt Ruhen und nichts machen!

Naja, auf jeden war ich dann halt x-Mal krankgeschrieben, weil es nicht besser wurde. Die Ehrenamtliche hat das einfach nicht verstanden. Als ich dann mal endlich wieder langsam angefangen habe, obwohl ich immer noch Symptome hatte. Habe ich dann halt Fehler gemacht, bzw. eine Sache, die wir im Februar besprochen haben, vergessen habe. Sie drückte mir einfach Sachen in die Hand und dann fragte sie mich, ob das in Ordnung sei, aber hat mich an nichts mehr erinnert. Da ich so lange raus war, konnte ich auch eine Veranstaltung nicht mehr bewerben. Die Ehrenamtlichen wissen aber auch, dass sie das Büro jederzeit anschreiben können, anstatt mal selbst aktiv zu werden, wenn sie merken, dass ich doch länger ausfalle… Nichts, und dann meckern.

Ich war in den vier Jahren, jetzt das erste Mal so lange krank, letztes Jahr gar nicht und davor nur 2x wegen Corona. Habe privat auch manchmal oft etwas weggesteckt, damit ich da sein konnte. Aber das wird nicht gesehen. Ich bin richtig enttäuscht, wegen so wenig Empathie bzw. Verständnis… Weil ich ja gewillt bin mich einzusetzen, aber das einfach nicht mehr ging körperlich und ich die Ruhe brauchte. Sogar jetzt noch ist immer noch etwas da, Halsschmerzen gibt es immer noch.

Was würdet ihr der Ehrenamtlichen sagen? Die bekommen nichts allein hin und brauchen ständig Rückendeckung.

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9 months ago

It’s just as you described, I’ve had the same experience, whether it was flu or cold or a gypsum foot or whether it’s grief in the family or family celebrations, for which you could not visit the barbecue – as long as you can create and do, you’re not well-being, but as soon as you get sick or not you can, you’ll be insulted. I have withdrawn from the matter mainly because of this, at least from the honorary office in the field of cath. Church ——–> because the Christian good people are far worse, where generally club avoiders are rather special and the least ones are not bored and can handle it when it doesn’t work.

I’ve got to the one who moked himself right at the gypsum foot… my God, then you jump in. But he didn’t do it – they are too fine and too bad, but they can knock big sayings. When I took care of my ill cousin and I said that it was only that the cousin was not so important that the tradition of the barbecue festival was much more important – and then a final break was created because my cousin was in bad condition then needed help (chronically ill) and everyone knew.

What would you say to the volunteer? They don’t get anything on their own, and they need to cover their backs.

That’s exactly what I’d tell them, unrated and frank and free. Sometimes you have to be so honest because they don’t get it any other way – and such a thunderstorm does well. I’ve had the experience that you walked around with me more kindly after I knocked on the table.

9 months ago
Reply to  Jeremy Edberg

Volunteering – more precisely, Kolping, if I’m honest. These were the worst Pharisees of all, then I quit. The KAB was just as bad, or they were almost worse.

I sometimes had high blood pressure and the like; I don’t know if I can take this back to this Gedön today, but it could fit in time – that was the phase where it took over. You should take that seriously. I couldn’t get out of it. I was fine.

However, there were also points of intersection professionally because I was classified as “usable” and for years “for a thank-you” (usually not even that) for ecclesiastical clubs did the press work or gave them as a professional “professional” (redactor) at evening seminars tips on how to make the press work so that the local newspaper cuts the news and neither cuts nor throws away. Some clubs and people appreciated the effort, there was a wine present here and there, a voucher or 50 euros – that was okay, that came from heart. But most of them left me with the time and more and more came because they perceived me as “the nice competent guy from next door” and as the supposedly high-studied good-earner, whom you could easily get out a little (“he did it” – the sentence I heard them say about me; then it was “from the mouse” and I just told people about this sentence.

My final act in this respect was that I wanted a pastor who wanted me to tax the media work for his parish “because I could do it so well and I’m so nice” but after a few weeks not even thanked me, but came to me a little stupid from the side, gave the advice that he would please give a course for digital photography for beginners at the Volkshochschule, buy himself a camera and sit down himself to write the texts. I was quite boiled at that time, and maybe too bad; the man was very concerned, sat trembling there and asked me to stop “but please don’t” several times – but I stayed hard and at the end he actually finished to formulate his press reports himself and make photos himself – and they were right from my point of view, even the photos were useful: Go! What I saw in the editorial office of him was better than the elaborate of many decades of employees. You can’t, you just have to force people to their happiness.

And this applies in particular to volunteers and the Catholic Church – almost everywhere, where of Christian, social, social-caritative values etc. the speech is or a “sanct” occurs in the name, according to my many years of experience, it is especially unsocial and people who honestly think it will be fed by pressegeil foam bats who carry the Elisabethkreuz, the honorary needle of Kolping or the KAB and the like on the reverse.

And I heard from the volunteers, as the intensive nurse said when I was still sick, “He has to eat decent. Has so little on the ribs.” It’s not ashamed! And the one who works in the health sector.

With me, the gypsum was up in autumn/winter 2014, I think eight weeks in total, only crutches, then such a walking gypse with sole for sticking… it was said that I was myself guilty, I would have been better careful – they didn’t know how it happened. Verar… I can myself, I told myself back then.

9 months ago

Voluntary do what they do voluntarily and in their spare time. Volunteering and in leisure, you don’t want to get angry about it if the generals don’t do their job well and you can’t do your honorary office as planned. Of course, this is not only about fun, but also about making a socially useful contribution. But it’s more like a hobby than a job, just because you don’t get paid for it. And that’s why when your own job involves work with volunteers, you have to keep it informed that if it doesn’t become annoying for them. And yes, this also means that they do not have to actively resolve the crisis themselves in an emergency.

On the other hand, you made the mistake not to report you ill if you are not fully efficient. In addition to the risk of one’s own health, this is also a factor when people go to work sick – you can’t rely on them, they make more mistakes and often do not create their work as thought. It’s just better for all those involved if you log out, get out and then get back through healthy. This is also much more transparent for all participants.

From that, don’t expect to see out-married volunteers knock you on your shoulder because you drag you to work sickly and then made mistakes. It’s not her job. And learn from it for the future!