Kein stabiles Internet nach wechsel des PC?


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Nach wechseln des PC´s, sauberer Windows Installation usw. habe ich Probleme eine stabile Internetverbindung herzustellen.

Über Ethernet und Wlan erreiche ich nur ~10 MBits/s mal etwas mehr, meist weniger.

Stecke ich das LAN Kabel kurz aus, und dann wieder ein, gehen die MBits/s vom Wlan kurz auf ~50 MBits/s, wo sie auch eigentlich hinsollen.

Für Wlan ist folgendes verbaut: Qualcomm Atheros AR9287

Ethernet übers Mainboard: Intel Ethernet Connection I219-V

Im Gerätemanager zeigen mir die beiden an, dass: Das Gerät “PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_15B8&SUBSYS_7A691462&REV_00\3&11583659&0&FE” erfordert weitere Installationen.

Das Gerät “PCI\VEN_168C&DEV_002E&SUBSYS_30A4168C&REV_01\4&39baf641&0&00E8” erfordert weitere Installationen.

In der Ereignissanzeige steht für´s Ethernet: Beim Start des Geräts PCI\VEN_8086&DEV_15B8&SUBSYS_7A691462&REV_00\3&11583659&0&FE ist ein Problem aufgetreten.

Ich hab alles was ich so im Internet gefunden habe ausprobiert, das Problem bleibt bestehen. Hoffentlich weiß einer von euch was. 🙂

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11 months ago

Disable WLAN, sometimes shoots the management of Win nen Bock


Board BIOS update to the NEUSTE version, then activate the following: XMP or EXPO, AHCI, (f)TPM, RezisableBar and set the boot order

DANN: Update chipset drivers, depending on chip manufacturer, AMD or Intel and only download them from their page and from anywhere else

For the LAN driver, the Intel driver Assi uses it from its side and with it can also load and install the chipset driver, sometimes also makes the GPU driver with

AMD also offers an assistant for chipset and GPU

the deppered WLAN driver best suits you from the board manufacturer, otherwise look on the net

11 months ago
Reply to  Nonsense171

by cable only 16Mb?

Do you have an Internet connection that can be more than 16Mb?

10 months ago

yes I already had and found the problem. I don’t know what such LAN managers do, but in 99,99x% of cases nix

Sure. no topic

10 months ago

AH OK… MIST yes. I didn’t think… Such LAN managers are a gray, but honestly I didn’t get on it…

10 months ago

What have you done now?

11 months ago

You go to the BIOS and look under Network and then you can deact the chips or chips that are being built up separately so that they don’t get into the enclosure

And if Wi-Fi is already available on the map, you can easily build it

11 months ago

tomgun also wrote that there are no W10 drivers for the LAN chip and who knows how this is with the WLAN chip, so I would say: both disable by means of BIOS and call separate PCIe LAN card iéinbauen, which do not cost the world

11 months ago

then get another LAN cable and I would have a PCIe-LAn card installed and looked like the performt

11 months ago

a 60 line, so it’s a 50-something over it

Then I would go to the router and look for the connection data and just 1&1 is known to overload the lines and then that’s what crap comes around

11 months ago

The NIC is a little older. I had similar problems with Server 2019.

I had to download and manually install the Original Intel Driver from Intel. Only then did it work perfectly. It’s the same problem with you.

The I219-V is no longer supported by Windows 10 and Server 2019. I used the one from Windows 8.1.

And turn off the automatic drivers update by Windows. Otherwise you’ll have the problem again soon.

PS: I just remembered that I had problems installing the Windows 8.1 driver under Server 2019. I had to manually change an Inf file. But look at the WEB. There is a guide for this NIC.

You have to virtually fake Windows to take the INF file.

10 months ago

According to the last picture, you can see that you are connected to the WLAN.
If your internet is bad, either the WLAN is not good enough or You’d have to change your Wi-Fi.

Use LAN connection as a DIREKT connection.
so no DLAN/PowerLAN etc.

10 months ago

I’d think about trying another router, it’s obviously not a Fritzbox, which run more reliable and make hardly any problems. Maybe the device is disturbed by now, and it’s out of the truck.

To replace the LAN cable for another…

11 months ago

Hi, did you think about installing the chipset drivers from the manufacturer? In the device manager, see if there are yellow exclamation marks.

11 months ago
Reply to  Nonsense171

Do you have a Fritzbox? Then I would look at the Minutes