Kein Platz?
nachdem ich mein männliches Kaninchen kastriert habe, muss ich es mit den anderen ja neu vergesellschaften. Da gibt es leider ein Problem: wir haben nicht den Platz, um noch einen Raum bzw. Stall zu bauen. Kann mir jemand weiterhelfen?
So that he lives in a part of the stable, it sounds like he’s living on a level of a normal double-deck you can buy. If that’s the case, you should plan more space for a bigger walk. The three need at least 6, actually more than 9 square meters. Permanent, as day and night. If it’s a stable of 6 square meters, I’m sorry. Only unfortunately there are many who hold their rabbits in such shopping stables and thereby torture them 🙈
Then… if you don’t mind, you can try to put the two females into the actual stable with the male. Of course, the VG Goege is no longer going, as the females lived there.
Do you have no room to let the rabbits run in the living room for at least two weeks? Or in the bathroom? My rabbits are free-goers in the apartment, they’re buzzing around everywhere. It’s quite unbearable except for coming together daily and catching up.
Or don’t you have a cellar that’s mold-free?
I’ll write you private, it’s better.
There’s probably a room like the bathroom or a storage room with light transport.
Yeah, actually. But is it bad if it’s floor with tiles?
No as long as there is no risk of injury to the claws of the rabbits as excessively rough soil. The floor should not be slippery.