kein geld für fahrkarte?

ich muss immer wenn ich zur arbeit fahre mit der s bahn und u bahn eine stunde fahren und bis vor 1 oder 2 monaten bin ich immer schwarz gefahren und wurde nie erwischt, bis ich aufeinmal innerhalb von einem monat 2 mal erwischt wurde

ich war die letzte woche krankgeschrieben und jetzt hab ich nurnoch 7€ und wie soll ich jetzt zur arbeit kommen? wie machen andere das den wenn die kein geld mehr haben? wohne noch zuhause und das ist nur ein minijob, meine eltern helfen mir da irgendwie auch nicht

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2 years ago

Find a mini job nearby where less driving costs are incurred.

2 years ago

Ask the boss about a ticket!? o
Only speaking people can be helped!

2 years ago
Reply to  Anonymgirl230

Of course! The boss is probably happy because he can “deduct” the costs of taxes, as they call it so beautiful.

2 years ago

Then you should invest your money what you deserve in a ticket and not in unnecessary stuff as in a PC of 1700€

2 years ago
Reply to  Anonymgirl230

I think you don’t have a wire to the money. It is not infinitely available, even if it sometimes appears that way.

First comes the daily need of life. If there’s anything left, you can buy something or save something. 😉

2 years ago
Reply to  Anonymgirl230

Welcome to reality, others also need to surprise from their pay ticket or gasoline/diesel, then I can understand your parents well that don’t contribute to it, that’s simple and gripping your bad luck.

2 years ago

What? You’re complaining that you don’t have money, you’re going to work and you can buy a ticket from the money, that hobbies have to stand up behind, others have to do this or you really think you can afford a thousand things plus various bills, rent, electricity, food and co? you have as good as no expenses, you’re living with your parents and you’ll just have to worry about it if you don’t have money.

2 years ago

If you know that, why do you ask here? You can accept constructive criticism, but you don’t have to.

2 years ago


2 years ago
Reply to  Anonymgirl230

Drive by bracket. So put on the street holding thumbs out and letting them take away