Kein Gefühl mehr in den Beinen?
Meine Schwester klagt schon über knapp eine Woche dass sie kein Gefühl mehr in den Beinen hat ,sie kann kaum laufen das fühlt sich so an sagt sie, ob die Füße eingeschlafen sind, Schmerzen hat sie eigentlich keine saft sie ,hat einer damit Erfahrung oder könnte mir sagen was das sein könnte Rückenprobleme hat sie ja, aber in letzter Zeit nicht, jetzt haben alle Angst dass es Krebs sein könnte? 😞
This is a neurological problem. Theoretically, it could be cancer if the tumor suppresses the nerves. I think that is very unlikely.
You should explain what’s on the nerve.
This is a pressure on the nerves in the lumbar spine area : Mostly a disc incident, but unfortunately can also be cancer.
Instead of asking for remote diagnostics in a laity forum, your sister should be a doctor.
If a nerve is caught and therefore takes permanent damage, it has life problems.
Yes she was now with the doctor and now she is also in the hospital they have made a CT the doctor told her that they had formed metastases above the spine 😞
Because more accurate results are only coming Monday
Metastases – then presses a tumor. Then she already has a cancer..
And then why are you asking this question?
Could indeed come from the back. “Crimped” nerve, or a blood circulation disorder. Can a doctor judge more accurately with certainty. Nothing like that!
Yes she was now with the doctor and now she is also in the hospital they have made a CT the doctor told her that they had formed metastases above the spine 😞
Because more accurate results are only coming Monday
Your sister should go to the doctor!
Yes she was now with the doctor and now she is also in the hospital they have made a CT the doctor told her that they had formed metastases above the spine 😞
Because more accurate results are only coming Monday
Yes she was now with the doctor and now she is also in the hospital they have made a CT the doctor told her that they had formed metastases above the spine 😞
Because more accurate results are only coming Monday
good improvement to her 🤍
Your sister should have gone to the doctor.