Kein flacher bauch trotz (fast) Untergewicht?
ich hab mich vor ein paar tagen mal gewogen und gemessen weil ich nicht ganz zufrieden mit meinem körper bin. Das kam dabei raus: 176cm, ca 58kg.
Jeder bmi rechner sagt jetzt entweder unteres normalgewicht, teilweise aber auch untergewicht. Aber ich trotzdem keinen flachen bauch.
Hat jemand tipps?
There’s three things in my mind.
1. Wrong perception. That you actually look top and recognize it differently.
Two. Unsporty. If you want a tight custom, you also need muscles.
Three. An appearance of malnutrition, or sometimes diseases such as celiac disease.
Thank you
First and second, I can exclude. How can you find out if it’s a flower tree?
As a rule, you see it as a loan. Just compare your belly with those of Google pictures.
Interesting in this, however, is why you could have a bloom. And you’ll find that through a blood test with the doctor. Which and whether you have symptoms of deficiency.
This is probably due to the bad overall sporting condition. How about situps or push-ups?
No abdominal muscles and blasphemy