Kein flacher bauch trotz (fast) Untergewicht?


ich hab mich vor ein paar tagen mal gewogen und gemessen weil ich nicht ganz zufrieden mit meinem körper bin. Das kam dabei raus: 176cm, ca 58kg.

Jeder bmi rechner sagt jetzt entweder unteres normalgewicht, teilweise aber auch untergewicht. Aber ich trotzdem keinen flachen bauch.

Hat jemand tipps?

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2 years ago


There’s three things in my mind.

1. Wrong perception. That you actually look top and recognize it differently.

Two. Unsporty. If you want a tight custom, you also need muscles.

Three. An appearance of malnutrition, or sometimes diseases such as celiac disease.


2 years ago
Reply to  User123813

As a rule, you see it as a loan. Just compare your belly with those of Google pictures.

Interesting in this, however, is why you could have a bloom. And you’ll find that through a blood test with the doctor. Which and whether you have symptoms of deficiency.

2 years ago

This is probably due to the bad overall sporting condition. How about situps or push-ups?

2 years ago

No abdominal muscles and blasphemy