Kein einziger Beruf passt zu mir ich find alles schrecklich?
Ich hab mich gefühlt schon über 1000 Berufe informiert und nichts ist was für mich ich war auch in viele berreichen Praktikant hat nix spaß gemacht ich war bei der Änderungsschneiderei/Altenpflege/Hotel /Lager/Verkauf/Kindergarten/Friseursalon/bäcker
I don’t like anything because I don’t like working on myself.
Can’t just adopt Kim Kardashian
I have two sayings for you.
What you’re getting married, you don’t have to inherit.
You can’t choose your mother, your mother-in-law.
So you’re supposed to marry a woman with rich parents.
By the way, I find Neptun a little better than Pluto. When they were still planets.
But Pluto is my two.
Besides, I like -Charon, so after he’s named.
Why don’t you try out if you could have fun with plants or machines?
Yeah, that’s stupid. Then do an internship at the employment office. But on the applicant’s side and make you smart about citizen money. That would be the alternative.
What exactly did you interrupt this job?
Without knowing what your problem was and what you missed, we can hardly make meaningful suggestions.
It all disturbed me and I didn’t like it
What would your wishes be for a job?
If you find everything stupid and don’t get anything, you have to do a job that you’ll find stupid.
I want a job I can sleep
What did you not like about the professions, or what would you want to be different so you could like it?
If you don’t have fun, you’ll have to do a job that doesn’t make you fun.