Kefirgärung eingeatmet. Seit den brennen im Kopf?
Hey leute ich habe eine Frage, ich und mein Freund machen jetzt selbst Kefir. Wir haben ihn jetzt 3 Tage stehen lassen. Und dann geöffnet und sofort gerochen. Er hat das Gefäß nochmal während ich gerochen habe mehr unter die Nase geschoben so dass es sooo extreeeeem gebrannt hat im Nasenloch bis in den Kopf. Es hat eine Stunde gebraucht bis es fast weg war. jetzt sind über 7Std vorbei und ich habe immer noch ein leichtes brennen im Kopf. Weis jemand was das sein kann?
I’ve never heard that before, but I smell not at the kefir, but drink it.
In the case of fermentation, gases are produced (alcoholic?) – there could be that this stuff has risen into your nose. It should be harmless..
I have experience with water and milk kefir, self-made. At the last, the taste was unpleasant when trying – but there I tried a culture, even though her MHD had expired for 1 year.
Thanks for the answer. Usually we drink the kefir and smell it. Yes, we also have milk kefir as tubers. It stood for 3 days that was our longest fermentation process. I’m not such a fan of self-made kefir, maybe the Caucasian tastes better.
Yeah, I like the one who bought it. Recently, Lidl has litre bottles with oriental kefir. Not bad
It is with 1.8% milk and bears the name Plombir. ECT
Interesting thanks for the info
certain substances arise during fermentation. I guess you inhaled some alcohol. Or other fermentation by-products such as acid.
Both not really wise and recommended
Yes, I noticed. Thanks for the answer. Should you go to the doctor? I think he can’t do anything, can he?
My God what grows up with you. Wouldn’t drink that.
These are Kefir’s tubers all made according to instructions. I’m talking about the gases if there’s any idea of :/