Kawasaki z1000 bj 2014 Laufleistung?


ich überlege mir eine Kawasaki z1000 aus dem Jahr 2014 mit 24.000 km runter zu kaufen … sollte ich das lieber sein lassen oder is das unbedenklich

danke für die Hilfe

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10 months ago

This depends on the overall state. The running performance is a joke for a Kawa.

10 months ago

Whether it’s safe, no one can tell you because no one can know how the previous owner has moved with the bike – keywords would be maintenance in general, regular oil change, thoroughly warm before “drawing on the wire”.

However, you can be quite sure that no fifteen-year-old “tuning experts” who think a three-and-a-half year training as a mechatronic or even a study is unnecessary on the bike….

A friend of mine – studied mechatronics with very large workshop and eight permanent staff – has identical bikes in the clientele that have long exceeded the 100,000 km mark….

It is therefore not on the engine, but on handling and maintenance.

Please, if you visit the bike, jmd. with, who knows well, if that should not be the case with you, please look at the service lift and feel if the engine is already warm when you arrive there.

There are people who let the vehicles go warm in time when they know when interested people come and the jump on super….

But even with lawnmowers, because we have often heard: “But he jumped on when I looked at him…”
