Kawasaki Ninja 125 ja oder nein?

Habe gerade meinen A1 Führerschein gemacht und bin auf der Suche nach einem Motorrad.
Die Kawasaki ninja 125 gefällt mir sehr gut, bin jedoch 1.90 Groß und komme bei vollem anschlag mit den Knien an den Lenker. Geht das trotzdem?

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11 months ago

I don’t know,but I have my problems with the new race bikes of the 1/8 liter class. Look top off,but are so flashy as a landmark. I’ve had a lot of time when I’m on my way with the duke, and I’ve had some debes that go tightly because they don’t understand why they’re accelerated so slowly. With my 2Takt Aprilia, I’ll give you some gas.

11 months ago
Reply to  Tom7707

Then I recommend a 125 Shadow. Looks not only horny and offers space, it is also revht flash. I made 120.

11 months ago

I’m talking about rs 125. I built a transponder circuit. I built the open and throttled CDI. If I have the chip in my buttock bag, it’s open. When the race line stops, I get off and it automatically activates the throttle. Then I have another 150 ccm set on it and the mountain translation. 0-100 4.8 s peak 140 kmh with normal translation, 160-170.

11 months ago

As I said with my Aprilia RS.bin I am very happy. I’m also 1.90 and even throttled, they blow another 125. I don’t want to start.