Kawasaki Ninja 125 für Beifahrer „geeignet“?
Hallo erstmal 🙂
Ich finde dieses Bike super und bis jetzt gefällt mir alles daran. Dabei stelle ich mir jedoch eine Frage; Ist dieses Bike empfehlenswert, wenn man öfters jemanden mitnehmen möchte?
Hallo erstmal 🙂
Ich finde dieses Bike super und bis jetzt gefällt mir alles daran. Dabei stelle ich mir jedoch eine Frage; Ist dieses Bike empfehlenswert, wenn man öfters jemanden mitnehmen möchte?
Zu einem roten Motorrad müsst ihr euch vorstellen
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Ich bin 1,81m groß, reicht meine Körpergröße für dieses Modell (für die Sitzhöhe) das ich stabil stehe ?
Hallo liebe Leute, ich restauriere an einem Mofa rum, eine Honda Camino. Ich hatte den Tank vom Rahmen gelöst, um ihn zu entrosten. Gleichzeitig hab ich die Züge angeschlossen. Der Bremszug von der Bremse hinten, der Bowdenzug fürs Gas und dieses Dekompressionskabel zum Zylinder laufen an der Seite vom Rahmen in der Mitte vom Tank…
Hallo, ich hatte am Freitag einen leichten Verkehrsmittel mit Blechschaden. Mir kam vor das der Unfallbeteiligte schneller als 30 in der 30er Zone gefahren ist, er war so schnell dass ich nicht reagieren konnte. Er wollte die Polizei nicht einschalten da ich eine Strafe bekommen könnte, er hat somit meiner Meinung nach einen Schuldigen gefunden,…
Hey hin 17 und habe den a1 also Motorrad Führerschein den man mit 16 machend darf. Befinde mich in der probezeit. Düfte ich mir jz eine kiffen und morgen wieder fahren? Weil das ja im Blut oder so nachweisbar ist.
I do not know if this answer is too late, but I would like to do something right at least:
I can say very well from my own experience that the socius of a 125s is very well suited for the journey to school or generally for shorter distances. Of course, that an athlete is not known for having an extremely comfortable seat, I think everyone knows. However, there is a very great difference between simply uncomfortable or not possible (for whatever reasons), as the latter has been mentioned several times, even if not written exactly the same, I can simply say that it would be lied if I would claim that it is not possible.
I’ve never been on a sportsman on the socius, but quite often on a naked bike (KTM Duke 125). Here, I can say that I have not had any problems yet, and honestly it even found it quite comfortable. So with an athlete this will probably not be different.
However, it would be important to consider Dannach whether you want to get the performance version or the normal standart version as the performance version only includes a socius cover, but no concern of the socius seat can be bought cheaply for around 44€.
I hope I could help 😉
Oh, yeah, so it might be a little more accurate. I’m almost 1.80 tall and weighed around 60 kg. I don’t think someone’s going with you much bigger or heavier. Otherwise, it may also help if I can tell you that I am 16 myself and therefore probably can also reflect the view of most other peers, at least those of my friends.
I’m sure it’s all right, sociable isn’t 125. The seats are usually quite small and not very comfortable.
You will notice the significantly higher weight in handling and speed. It’s all right, it’s just fun driving isn’t so easy.
Do you think the seat is suitable to drive someone to school as a socius? So max. 20 driving time?
Sociusfaehig isn’t 125 he?
After a scooter, the 125 MZ RT was both sociusfaehig and 60 years ago.
Lawn was not in there, but at least this machine was very good.
Yeah, of course, it’s just really fun. And not quickly… Only with the current it is simply uncomfortable and comparatively slow…
You know what I meant…
Fallada wrote about his eight-cylinder Horch with 90 hp from a racer.
He had to give this car free of charge to a barracks farm.
What I wanted to say, these are almost three-cylinder cars today.
The times changed, this 125 MZ, I felt like a coward when you understand what I mean?
Here where I live, the motor riders only whisper through, I see them lying between the cars, themselves they are driven off in the Sanka. You’re kidding?
No, or do you like to sit on a socius like that?
Such machines are not intended to be used in two cases.
Do you think this bike would be at least “good enough” to drive someone to school? (Ca.20 minutes drive time)
Sure, it would be possible. However, a car would be more comfortable, especially when it rains.