Kaum Wirkung von Wodka?
Hallo, ich bin zwar erst 16 doch obwohl ich eine 3 Wöchige Alkohol Pause gemacht habe, spüre ich nach einem Virtel Liter Wodka kaum bis gar keine Wirkung. leut den Promille Rechnern hätte ich 1,26 pro Mille. Nur spüre ich davon leider nichts. Weiß jemand woran das liegen könnte? Und spürt ihr etwas ab dem Promillewert oder nach einem virtel Liter Wodka?
It is important to understand that alcohol can work differently on different people, depending on factors such as body weight, metabolic rate, tolerance, genetics and individual differences in the enzyme system.
It is unusual that someone at a promille value of 1.26 can hardly feel any effect, but there can be various reasons for it. One reason could be a high tolerance to alcohol, which has developed due to regular alcohol consumption. If you drank regularly before the three-week alcohol break, this could be a factor.
However, it is also important to note that alcohol has a number of risks, including the risk of alcohol poisoning, especially if you do not feel the effect, although your promille value is high. It is advisable to deal with alcohol responsibly and listen to your body.
If you are worried or have further questions, it would be advisable to talk to a doctor or other expert who can better inform you about the effects of alcohol.
Did you get him confused with water? xD
Otherwise very worrying
That should give you evil thinking.
and that’s right.
If a minor is already ready, he has a massive alcohol problem.
Jaha, I’ve had it so much a long time ago. Ended with potentially increased liver values. With some luck, they’ll recover as soon as you stay abstinent. With a little bad luck, the pretty organ is broken.
Um… that vodka is from 18 for good reasons, you know?
Maybe you could have an alcohol problem, and your body’s gotten so much used to not feel any noise?
There is a speech: Who “Alcohol breaks” has a problem with alcohol. “Alcoholpause” should be the rule, and drink the exception. And not the other way around.
Vlt you got used to alcohol in general
Have you become Russian?
At some point, the juvenile brain is so far damaged that it does not perceive anything.
This is the case with alcoholics
This is a sign of advanced alcoholism. Your life expectancy falls significantly, especially statistically.
With 16 already alcoholics, strong performance.