Getting gum out of your ear?
How do you get chewing gum out of your ear? Like, 1/4 of a piece of gum?
just asking out of interest
How do you get chewing gum out of your ear? Like, 1/4 of a piece of gum?
just asking out of interest
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Appointment at 7:30 for example?
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I am currently in the hospital. I have terrible pain in my lower abdomen and I vomit 2-3 times a week. Does this count as failure to render assistance? I have the feeling that nobody believes me.
From interest 😉
Go to the (house) doctor urgently! But as info:
Chewing gum protects against middle ear inflammation and caries
Some examples: In an investigation at the Finnish University of Oulu, the number of middle ear infections in children who regularly chew the gum with xylite decreased by 40 percent.
But it shouldn’t stay in the ear, go to the doctor! Or to the clinic. That can damage the auditory canal and ear!
Greetings Daniel
Please without delay Go to the HNO doctor. LG
When you go to the ear doctor…
Don’t try yourself! Otherwise you might hurt your eardrum and the ear canal
I want the HNO doctor to do that.
From the doctor!
… question for a friend… yes…
with a suction bell.