Kaufvertrag rückgängig machen Trick?
Habe einen Gebrauchtwagen gekauft Händler kommt der Lieferung nicht nach Fahrzeug über Finanzierung einer Bank die eng mit dem Autohändler zusammenarbeitet gekauft also Summe X angezahlt und Summe Y monatlich .
Kann ich da den Kredit widerrufen und damit den Kaufvertrag auflösen?
What delivery date was called?
After that, you have to set a deadline. Only after that you can step back.
If you are a consumer and the loan has been made with the help of the dealer, there is a so-called “connected business”. Then you can revoke the loan agreement within 14 days and are no longer bound to the purchase agreement.
If the dealer doesn’t deliver, you have to make first.
What does “cooperate closely together” mean in a contract of purchase associated with a financing, you can revoke the entire business.
You don’t need a trick. Simply set an appropriate time limit for fulfilling the contract to the dealer. Best written. If nothing happens after the end of the deadline, you can withdraw from the contract.
The loan is also due, as it was only intended to buy the car.
The details should also be in the small print of the purchase contract.