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Schimmel auf Erdnüssen?
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I can’t see it right after Christmas.
Then the stocks are used up and probably no longer purchased.
Clear why not? If the shops still have leftovers there is usually cheaper, and so what can be eaten all year round 😉
Tastes like before, but is now cheaper. I’ll be back after Easter…
This is now greatly reduced and tastes even after Christmas.
I also buy Christmas decoration after Christmas.
Where are you buying the decoration?
At various shops there are reduced Christmas decorations after Christmas.
I bought them in a local department store and at Depot.
I like gingerbread outside the Christmas season, and if I see some, I’ll buy them. Spekulatius are also delicious all year round.
We have a few more cans full of it.
If I find it, of course. As long as the price is correct
Got more than enough.
If I eat it and it is still reduced, yes.
If then Marzipan. This is always so expensive
just today I bought Christmas pastries for a quarter price. Since I haven’t eaten much of it so far, it’s not a problem for me.
not even wine shows, get so much every year
I didn’t buy a pastry before Christmas, I’m a diabetic and I’d rather have a hand full of fresh fruit.
Not anymore