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Kilometerstand 190.000 km Leistung 100 kW (136 PS) Kraftstoffart Benzin Getriebe Schaltgetriebe Umweltplakette 4 (Grün) Fahrzeugbeschreibung laut Anbieter Top Voll Fahrbereit Tüv abgelaufen Kein Garantie oder Rücknahme
I think that’s all about the product… So a floor cleaner is something of egaql whether the n bald head has on the front cover or comes out of aldi.
With meat, clothing and technology, it is always worth the more expensive price.
Hey 🙂✨!
Yes, because money is important to me and unfortunately it is still so for some products that buy cheap = double purchase.
Of course, there are differences in nature and function in consumer goods. But with some things like my…
– wristwatch
and, and, and… I always tried to buy the best. And I still have everything and that very, very long.
Even garden equipment or tools, our vacuum cleaner or the car. How many cars do not have to be built because of ours. This is true sustainability in my eyes.
Greetings, Christoph 🖖
Depends on what it is.
I buy expensive clothes because I want a good quality.
For food, I always make sure that I buy cheaper (e.g. if what is in the offer).
Would often say expensive.
Of course if it is the same product I buy the cheaper e.g. dishwashing agent idr from ALDI. But often you get more for your money. For example, I just like the cheese of Milram rather than the “young gouda” in the large pack.
Coming completely to the product. Mostly, however, what fits well from the price performance.
It’s better to distinguish by quality. Cheap own brands need not be less good than high-priced labels.
different, always see what quality I need.
About Anna
Totally different. I buy more by quality than by price.
There are cheap but qualitatively very good products, in some cases they are even better quality than the expensive ones.
Mittelding, depending. There are no name products that around worlds are better than any overpriced branded products and just as different
I pay as much as is necessary for good quality.
Is it even possible to buy cheap!? I don’t think so.
I’d say I’m buying well.
I buy quality
This depends on the product! Buy both! 🙂
Who buys cheap, buys twice.
I mainly buy quality. And it usually costs a little more. For that, the bought also dedicates, it works and you have long pleasure. And if’s hi you can judge 🙂
I have too little money for cheap crawl.