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Kleinanzeigen will 20€ für eine Anzeige?
Ist das bei dir auch so? Bereich Immobilien.
Honestly, I cannot understand that people order tons of plastic waste from which a large part is not even worn.
If the trashfashion doesn’t even take a textile exploiter or the clothes donation says a lot….
I personally only buy durable and durable cotton clothing.
Well, rather branded clothes my favorite is Karl Kani and Pegador. Otherwise I don’t care if I like something then I buy it. I don’t care, but I never bought Secound Hand.
What is C&A? Wear my stuff at least 5 years and shop up to 3 times a year.
C&A is also Fast Fashion
I met C&A so that you get good clothes.
Compare C&A to Shein… I believe C&A is already mega slow Fashion
C&A is also one of the Fast Fashion brands. It is very good that you carry your things so long;)
Yes, it was already overshot, but although Shein is faster in terms of this, C&A is living from constantly changing fashion. They also fall under Fast Fashion
Complete new range is somewhat exaggerated….
Like other shops, C&A has promotional goods, but they also have their fixed goods in all areas by solid producers zb suits, shirts, t-shirts, sweaters, pants, jackets….
Even if we left your week, Shein is min. three times faster. That’s Shein’s time to get 3 collections out
Probably depends on the product. At C&A, it is not that every part is produced in the same factory.
Not so fast. They still keep me very long.
That was once, and they are still favorable. Well, I don’t think so. Quality has greatly diminished. Meanwhile, the Shein no longer differs. Look at how quickly C&A’s clothes are replaced. Complete new range every week.
That’s what I mean.
I buy clothes I like; there is sometimes high-end fashion.
H&M, SHEIN, Zara and others, I’ve never bought.
Normal brands like Brax, s.Oliver, Tom Tailor, Pierre Cardin.