Käufer bei Kleinanzeigen zahlt nicht?
Ich habe bei Kleinanzeigen etwas verkauft und warte seit neun Tagen auf das Geld
verschickt habe ich noch nichts, mehrmals nachgefragt und immer wieder Antworten bekommen wie : Commerzbank braucht zwei Tage oder muss ich mal nachsehen ob ich einen zahlendreher hatte . Aber bis jetzt kein Geldeingang .
Wie lange muss ich noch warten? Würde gerne den Kauf abbrechen
was kann ich tuen ?
hoffe auf Antworten
Hello Michaela,
you must first set a deadline for the buyer. If the buyer fails to pass the deadline, he is in default.
Now you can also withdraw from the contract.
If you would like to cancel the purchase anyway and the buyer obviously cannot pay or want to pay, a cancellation contract could quickly and easily solve the problem in mutual agreement.
After a cancellation contract, the contractors are made, as before the conclusion of the contract.
As a rule, this effort is also not necessary.
Unfortunately, a pretty bad abscrap mask also works in a similar way.
The buyer doesn’t pay. The seller sells the article otherwise. After a certain time the buyer reports and demands the purchased goods – compensation damages.
Deadline for payment
Dear Mr XYZ,
Your payment for [article description ad no. XYZ ] is still pending. You have already repeatedly assured me the purchase price incl. have been transferred to my account.
Please pay the invoice amount immediately. I should be 20.12.2025 I will withdraw from the contract.
With kind regards,
[Your name]
Consent to cancel the purchase agreement
Dear Mr XYZ,
Your payment for [article description ad no. XYZ ] is still pending. You have already repeatedly assured me the purchase price incl. have been transferred to my account.
If you are no longer interested, I agree to cancel the purchase agreement.
Best regards
Hello 🙋
Thanks for the answer!
I have now kindly set him a payment period up to 17.12 and if then nothing has yet been received I will buy the
let’s see what happens so far
Love greeting Michaela
Good luck!
If you like, say something about this.
Be careful not to imagine the act since the purchase contract has been concluded
Set him a period up to which he must have paid in article
If he does not eat this please call the purchase contract due to the fact that the buyer has not fulfilled his contractual obligations
I don’t know if classifieds specifically have their own policy network but on normal ebay it would be like five working days
As a rule, 14 days will be set as a deadline
according to eBay the buyer has to pay after three working days. Now it means classifieds and there is not really what on the internet
Classifieds is an independent company after sale by eBay.
Basically and independently of the operator AGB of eBay & Co, the statutory provisions apply to the purchase agreement in the Civil Code.
§ 433 BGB
Contractual obligations in the purchase contract
(1) 1The purchase agreement obliges the seller of one thing to hand over the item to the buyer and to obtain the property in the item. 2The Seller has to give the Buyer the matter free of material and legal defects.
(2) The buyer is obliged to pay the agreed purchase price to the seller and to accept the purchased item.
The legislator does not require a statutory delivery and payment period.
What happens when I break the purchase now
If you just cancel it without any time limit, the buyer might try to poke for compliance with the purchase contract and might in the worst case have claims for damages against you
yes I do thank you
If you take five days I would advise you to take them but at least he would advise you to take workdays you have already waited nine days you shouldn’t give you an excessive attack point More
Note no guarantee I am not a lawyer
Ok it would be enough if I gave it four to five days or would prefer 14 days from today
I would also cancel the purchase
After time, you can just cancel the purchase. That’s what I’d tell the buyer and then re-set the part.