Käufer bei Kleinanzeigen droht mit Polizei?
Hallo! Ich habe am 9.11.23 etwas für 10€ bei Kleinanzeigen verkauft! Am 10.11. verschickt, und am 13.11. schrieb mir der Käufer, das Paket wäre leer… Dort drohte er mir dann mit der Polizei, und ich habe ihm gesagt, dass er eine Schadensmeldung bei DHL aufgeben soll! Dies hat er dann auch getan! Mitte Dezember bekam ich dann einen Brief von DHL, in dem Stand, dass der Schaden nicht von denen verursacht wurde! Das schrieb ich dem Käufer… Keine Antwort… Scheinbar ging diese Nachricht nicht durch, da ich am 08.01.24 eine Nachricht vom Käufer erhielt, mit der Frage, ob es was neues gibt! Ich habe ihm das ganze noch einmal erläutert, und er schrieb nur: „Kein Problem, ich zeige dich an“
Ich habe sofort bei DHL angerufen, und daraufhin eine Mail geschrieben, dass die das nochmal prüfen sollen…
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Das hab ich dem Verkäufer mitgeteilt, und ihm klar gemacht, dass ich da nichts für kann, und er evtl. nochmal zu DHL gehen soll… Er hat mir wieder mit der Polizei gedroht… Daraufhin habe ich ihm das Angebot gemacht, die Hälfte zu erstatten! Er lehnte dies ab, und schrieb, dass er nun zur Polizei geht!
Jetzt ist meine Frage, ob ich das einfach ignorieren soll, oder ob ich ihm das komplett zurückerstatten sollte… Kann er mich wegen 10€ anzeigen? Was soll ich tun?
He wants to scare you to push the price. Even if the story is credible with the police – we are honest, the Internet is still new – nothing will happen.
According to §447 paragraph 1 of the German Civil Code, the buyer is also liable if he wanted to send (as you wrote). So you don’t have to refund him, I wouldn’t.
Okay! Thank you. Really!
You can be shown for all kinds of nonsense.
This does not mean that this is going to prosecution.
Usually this would be a case for a civil procedure – for which your contractual partner would have to entrust a lawyer.
In view of the fact that in the case of private sales, you as a seller are only responsible for sending the package – and the responsibility from the transport path lies with the buyer – and he is likely to have it hard to prove that the package was empty (of “damaged” was no speech – and he could have let it go again!).
Could you possibly be some WER the seller in this scenario? 🤷
Sorry… tempted… buyer…
I was thinking.
Welcome to the Clup of the latent Legastheniker. You’re in good company. 😉
If he really does, the police must record the ad, but will be hired, even the attorney fees would be much higher.
Don’t worry, he won’t hurt you.
Attention attorney’s fees and criminal complaint have nothing to do with the attorney’s fees he would have to charge if he tries to charge the money for a criminal complaint that is not necessary
no one takes a lawyer for 10€ to get to his money and no prosecution will deal with the topic
Jap extremely boring that is why I usually need hours to answer because I only get back after hours that was answered to me at all
I would have just corrected you there is in your comment that you would need a lawyer to reimburse a criminal complaint
I know I’m still not aware of what you want from me.
but you seem extremely boring.
Whether it would be possible to display it was also the question 😂
what would be possible is another thing
There I have to speak again, but it changes to your statement even everything, even with an amount of only 10 €, a successful criminal complaint would be quite possible and, depending on the investigative effort, possibly also traceable
that is clear to me that this is independent, I have never written that you need a lawyer for a criminal application, so don’t make me point out.
that does not change anything from my statement
As said a lawyer, he does not need a criminal complaint to the lawyer would take care of a civil lawsuit that have nothing to do with each other, the sum is criminally not relevant, however, I also consider it unlikely as if the buyer would prove that
In itself, this is already annoying and unfortunately at the DHL not as untypical as they also want to track whether someone in the shipment has opened the package and they were removed
A display is, of course, possible in principle, this would have to be followed first
Whether this would really lead to success is questionable, however, how does he want to prove that the package was empty and especially that you sent the package deliberately empty I would actually have the DHL nerves again and therefore ask the weight indication the package to tell you by using this weight you can easily prove that the package could not have been empty
The amount of harm in a criminal complaint is first of all secondary that something could really happen to you, but I think it is relatively unlikely because it is very difficult to prove to you that he claims the money over a lawyer I consider almost impossible because he would definitely have to put the money forward for the lawyer with the risk of losing the legal dispute
Caution with refund offers these can be evaluated as a debt confession
The package runs several times over a scale. You can already find a weight loss.
The result of this scale is not visible to us, however, and whether employees are always so careful is another question
Only when it was recorded and saved I wouldn’t rely on it that is the case the question is also how long it is saved again over two months ago
When investigating, it will be considered
Threatening with an avenue at the police was already a daily experience with Ebay classifieds.
The police have paper baskets in their offices.
Ignore, ready!