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10 months ago


the ZV E 10 Is a video blogger camera the EOS R50 an all-rounder camera.

So with video focus, the ZV E10 is clearly in the advantage of the photographer you have to buy the a6400 at Sony. However, this is not comparable to the R50 but rather to the R10.

In addition, Sony now has 5 video-optimized SEL engine zoom optics and ample selection of optics also from foreign manufacturers.

10 months ago

It’s actually like a rat.

Technically, the R50 is clearly the better camera and offers many features that ZV-E10 does not have. The EOS R50 has a searcher that the E10 does not offer and it can shoot faster series images. Canon also has a fully touch-controllable interface, which is missing from the E10. In the video area, it has a Lens Breathing correction, the autofocus can track vehicles and it takes up with a higher bit rate than the Sony.

Therefore, it is also somewhat more expensive than the Sony. Benefits of Sony are a product video mode, gyroscope data for subsequent stabilization of videos and an S-Log video mode for subsequent grade. While Canon has not integrated a log, but can record 10-bit video and HDR-PQ, which is also suitable for grading.

That said, you won’t get much better videos with any camera than with others. The main differences are in more comfortable operation and a slightly different colour look. Choose the camera you like better in person.

10 months ago

go to this page where you can compare cameras

unfortunately the e10 of sony is not listed there. but if you put the focus on video, then look for one that brings the best video properties.

Consider that today almost all handy videos can be done and at the end no one asks at a well done camera.

because the “regiseur/fotograf” with its creativity is responsible for good pictures and videos, the camera then plays only “the second violin”