Buying advice for the Toyota MR2 W3?
Hello, I would like to buy a Toyota MR2 W3 as my first car and wanted to ask what I should look out for when viewing it.
Hello, I would like to buy a Toyota MR2 W3 as my first car and wanted to ask what I should look out for when viewing it.
Moin Nen Kollege würde mit seiner 50ccm beta erwischt als sie 80 lief. Hatte auch nur nen Führerschein für 50. 2jahre Führerschein sperre und 40 sozial Stunden. Finde das schade weil ich immer extrem Spaß hatte mit ihm zu fahren. Könnte er jetzt noch eine prüfbescheinigung machen?
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Above all, the price is in a reasonable proportion to the condition of the car!
For such MR2 are rare and desirable, which sometimes provides absurd prices. By the way, the parts supply is bad with regard to body parts or the interior. You have to be prepared to pay high prices for used parts.
Keep in mind the tightness of the cover and grate!