Kaufberatung Mustang 4. Gen SN95?

Hey Leute,

ich bin bald mit meinem Führerschein durch und wollte mal fragen ob sich so ein Sn95 in Deutschland überhaupt lohnt oder ob dieser für Fahranfänger evtl. zu empfehlen ist. Ich weiß, es heißt immer als Erstwagen lieber was kleines praktisches wie ein Corsa, aber das will ich einfach nicht und Geld für etwas „größeres“ habe ich schließlich.

Ich habe mich nämlich in dieses Auto verliebt seitdem ich den Youtuber CHRISFIX schaue.

Vielleicht hat ja jemand mit dem Teil Erfahrungen gemacht und kann mir was erzählen 😉

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2 years ago

You have to look carefully so you don’t get a permanent construction site in the garage. And a V8 is a duty.

2 years ago

Solid like a Mondeo, not more exciting than a Xedos. If the insurance really compares how many of you recommend here, you can quickly notice that it is cheaper than almost all small cars.

2 years ago

So visually I don’t like it. I have a mustang myself, but from 1968. If you like it, of course you can buy it. You just have to remember that the maintenance will be relatively high in terms of fuel/insurance/ possible repairs.

2 years ago

start with small cars and enjoy the Sample time then you have experience and are more routined.

even if I find it unnecessary (gas consumption too high and therefore not good for the environment)

2 years ago

It doesn’t have to be a small car for the start, I got a passat as an entry car, because it cost less insurance than a golf with the same consumption. In fact, I’ve never had a small or compact car in my whole life. But it seems to me a little extreme.

Isn’t it a sporty mooneo or something? Certainly still cooler than a companion of the type “Elefantenrollschuh” and not super significant more expensive in maintenance than a fiesta.

2 years ago

” is recommended for starters possibly” Sure NOT

Make sure you meet the maintenance realistically and see if you can afford the tube at all. And since the car is already so old, add 500€ per month to the page for any repairs that will come to you with the time

2 years ago

It is also a matter of realistic assessment of our own possibilities. Such a solid small car is very much cheaper, not only for fuel, even for maintenance / repairs.

2 years ago
Reply to  Nube4618

And above all in the repairs to be expected that a starter blossoms.

2 years ago
Reply to  ghost40

Yes, and not only for starters, such a car can suffer a defect even without self-inflictedness, and to fix it becomes unequally more expensive than with a small car.