Katzen Kater krank Hilfe?
Will den Kater holen
Der hat was weißes am Auge.
Die Besitzerin sagt der Tierarzt sagt nur was kosmetisches
Im Internet steht aber was ganz anderes
.was glaubt ihr
Sein rechtes Auge ist weiss drinne
Will den Kater holen
Der hat was weißes am Auge.
Die Besitzerin sagt der Tierarzt sagt nur was kosmetisches
Im Internet steht aber was ganz anderes
.was glaubt ihr
Sein rechtes Auge ist weiss drinne
Ich hatte mir meine Collagen Tablette auf den Schreibtisch gelegt war dabei mir ein Glas Wasser zu holen als ich zurück kam sah ich das meine katze dabei ist sie zu essen. Konnte da nix mehr verhindern. War eine Collagen 1000mg. Muss man da direkt zum Tierarzt oder ist es nicht gefährlich?
Meine Nachbarin lässt ihre neue Katze jetzt schon 2 Tage alleine. Ich habe das über Instagram gesehen, dass sie verreist ist in eine andere Stadt und da erwähnte sie noch, dass sie heute Nachmittag wieder kommt, aber bisher ist alles noch dunkel. Wie findet ihr das? Sie braucht doch was zu essen und zu trinken…
Hallo zusammen, seit den aktuellen Geschehnissen der Bettwanzen habe ich mal ganz genau auch bei mir geschaut. Was ist das für ein Käfer? ist das schon eine Bettwanze? Oder hat sich hier einfach was eingeschlichen? Liebe Grüße
War mit meinem Hund gestern bei ihrer hundefreundin als es dann spät wurde meinte ich (ganz typisch deutsch) „so! Ich muss los. Meine Katzen haben hunger.“ Daraufhin guckte sie mich ganz schräg an und sagte „katzEN“. Ich sagte ja und daraufhin hat sie mir ziemlich böse gesagt das Katzen Einzelgänger sind und man sie niemals…
Hi, vor einem Tag war ein fremder Kater bei mir zuhause und seit dem versteht sich nicht mehr mein Katzenpärchen. Sie gehen auf einander los und schlagen sich untereinander ziemlich heftig. Was kann ich tun und wie schaffe ich es das sie sich wieder untereinander verstehen?
Ich möchte meinem Kater unterstützend für gesunde Gelenke EPA + DHA geben. “Cortisan” wurde mir vom Hersteller inuvet auf Anfrage nach einem geeigneten Produkt zur Linderung von Arthrose/Spondylose-Schmerzen beim Kater empfohlen und enthält EPA+DHA. “O-max” von inuvet enthält deutlich mehr EPA + DHA, allerdings finde ich keine Bewertungen zum Produkt. EPA+DHA sind für gesunde Gelenke…
I can recognize it in the image so accurately, but a white veil on the eye, know on graze rigidity or blindness. However, both are not only cosmetic
You can give you the number of the TA and ask for yourself or ask that you go to the veterinarian before buying. Then the owner can refuse to take the veterinarian costs.
However, if you’re insecure with the cat and the seller doesn’t trust, don’t accuse the animal. There are other cats in the world
For private sellers you have to be careful, because these sometimes conceal things or mean in retrospect, they have told you that. Therefore, even when buying privately, it is best to make a purchase contract (you can also do it yourself) sign the two pages.
The best but you go to a breeder or to the animal shelter / animal welfare, the animals are usually healthy and you also have a professional contact person directly
Yes she won’t answer me after I first want to go to the vet with her
Then you’re lucky you didn’t buy the animal!
If it reacts like this, the eye is certainly over or the poor cat is sick
That was foreseeable.
The cat is sick perse, as breeding Scottish Fold! The eye is still the least of all problems.
Because it’s a breeder race, I wouldn’t get him.
It is british short hair and scottish field makes that a difference
And it would be very nice of you if you didn’t spam GF with one and the same question several times posting.
You must have Google, right? Then use it and research independently. You have all the necessary initial information. Copy, paste, click …. read, understand, store and go into the future with new knowledge strengthened.
The bent ears are created by OCD and is usually only one of many other problems in such cats.
Unfortunately, such cats are often issued as BKH, but as soon as you have kinked ears, you can safely start off from OCD and that brings with you many medical problems and high costs.
Does it bother you or where is the problem
I’d let it be, that really doesn’t look healthy. Some cats just have problems, but then the eye doesn’t look so sticky.
I’ve always been
I wouldn’t call that “lucky” but lack of pre-crisis and knowledge. You can actively change this by moving ahead. “Peace” is passive and say only people who do not want to bear responsibility for their actions. So please stop talking about “lucky.”
Well, theoretically, there should be enough healthy cats. At the latest in the shelter or with a registered breeder.
It looks like he had something with the cornea. Could also be blindness on the left eye.
In addition, the animal is a breeding (Scottish Fold) which is not allowed to grow or sell in Germany!
So you can show the breeder.
These animals suffer from a disease that is called OCD. And many animals are not old and must be redeemed.
Omg what, poor animal dies soon?I ask why this is a breeding? The poor animal ..what is ocd? Are all their animals crooked?
But how can it be that the veterinarian has nix abnormalities so far?
“But how can it be that the veterinarian nix has undermined so far?” They look away.
“Are all their animals crooked?” Yes, including the parents of the animal. If both parents have such knickohren, the “breeder” (which is not) is very, very punishable! That’s animal quality of the highest couleur!
At least you’ll have to go to the vet with such an animal and it’ll cost you a lot of money. The animals suffer from pain throughout their lives. Please Google OCD and Scottish Fold Cat.
It is also british short hair mix
No! That’s not it. It is a Scottish Fold cat and point. These breeders call themselves WISSEN (!) that SF cats are breeders and offer them as a British short hair mix. Do you have any Google that you can use?! Here scottish fold Now stop it! You don’t take it, and that’s how it ends.
Sometimes it is not wrong – and this is a criticism of myself – to look at the profile of the questioner in advance. 😉 So also in the other dramatic case of before. It is worth a look behind the scenes. XD
I’m sorry if I’m going in this way when it comes to the financial situation, but how does it generally look like emergency cases? Diseases and accidents can really always occur, my cat has already cost 700 euros in case of emergency on weekends. Money can really get NIEMALS a problem in cat keeping.
Just surgery isn’t cheap.
How can one agree to raise this with conscience? Will they not act? And when are they in pain? That is unworthy thank God they wrote, I don’t pick it up,so heart I also have for the cat, can’t afford it financially with a sick animal,because I have a 2 year old son
“…Why did she get the animal to multiply…”
Sorry, but buyers like you are the reason it is worth it!
By the way, I’m afraid that this “breeder” is barely, or never goes to the vet. Because the animal is not ground-immunized, is it? Only escaped, without vaccination card. So the animal was NIE with a veterinarian.
If you have a very big heart and a lot of money and time, then you can take the animal with you and give it a pain-free good life with a lot of love, how long life will last. If the animal is safe with you, you go to the police and show this woman. Before, please make a protective contract so that you have black on white that they breed and sell such animals. You show that to the police and the Veterinary Office.
Why did she eat the animal? That is ruthless and what is it in the eye? The poor animal 😔 what should I do the poor animal no wonder nobody buys
This is a Scottish Fold.
You’ll get a cat that will only hurt her pathetic short life.
Just keep your fingers off.
Mixture of British Shorthair silver shaded and scottish fokd
According to the Schlappohren, however, she has the cartilage broken the Scottish Fold.
Like I said, leave your fingers. A sick cat who probably didn’t even get the regular vaccinations and knows God could have defects for inbreeding.
Yes True Sad Have Me Huge In Love Sad
this is an adult breeding and such irresponsible mehers are not supported. Yes also this mixture has OCD
If it is a serious seller, it will meet you at the TA of your choice and let it confirm
In the photo you can hardly see what
Yes, that would be another possibility
May I ask you: does the money cost? Where are you getting him? Private or the breeder?
and please not before New Year!!! New Year’s Eve is already pure stress / the poor animal doesn’t have to change
I have now proposed
it is not a serious seller that increases Scottish Fold.
I’d like to have a toddler, I can’t worry about expensive veterinarians all the time and the cat, they’ll also be aggressive because of the pain, that’s because of my child…so sad I’m also, directly he had a place with us in the family
Did she ask and since then she won’t answer me anymore
You, I don’t know! Only that the animal lives is already agony. I like to get out of here too, as it goes too close to my heart and I could cry that there are so heartless people. If you want to be merciful, these people will show to the police and report it to the Veterinary Office, pick up the cat and give him a worthy rest life with love and medicine.
But in the end, as I already wrote above: Honourable breeding=strafbar=animal torture. You can give this animal a beautiful and pain-free life. The lands when it is not sold in the forest or at best in the animal shelter/animal shelter. But they would have to spend money on it. So he’s being exposed, I’m afraid. *heul*
I bet…
Did you see the vaccination card? Then you can give you the number and address of the attending physician (which will not give it, bet?!) and first ask you there.
Oh, no, that’s why he has at least one vaccination card, but no papers he was seriously bred! This is a heavenly difference!
Don’t be angry – but before you get a cat you should have a lot more idea!
He would be vaccinated once, didn’t he automatically have papers?
Let him check through the TA before you buy him!
I’m so sorry, but that doesn’t sound serious!
350€ without papers and supposedly cosmetic eye is already a nausea – but then so spontaneously 150€ down sounds like pure money
Private eig 350 because he allegedly only cosmetic mistakes has in her opinion 150 euros made it cheaper on site