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is for the fell color, normal eye look, but don’t ask me what it comes from,
the fell color are my experience, susceptible to yellow outflow from the nose and rustling while breathing, then you have to treat with antibiotics,
so keep watching how he/she develops when thicker slimming comes to directly veterinarian, currently it is in order, there is nothing to do, anyway I have not yet found a recipe for redness, that is genetic for me
I don’t see anything. Does Eiter come out of the eye? Out of the nose?
So really visibly not no also have the feeling that she really does well looks just different than usual
Do you want to compare the other eye to photograph
Thank you I also think this is all good just wanted to calm the concerned cats mom
No. All right. She has white skin on one eye and on the other black skin. If, of course, you realize that it’s freezing that she’s getting cold, that the eye is going to swell or she’s not gonna be good for her, then go to the veterinarian.
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