Katze von Wespe gestochen Pfote was tun?
leider ist in meine Wohnung eine Wespe gekommen und mein Kater hat versucht diese zu fangen, dabei hat die Wespe ihn wohl in die Pfote gestochen, diese wird nun ganz dick… er säubert jetzt die ganze Zeit die Pfote und setzt sie nicht immer ab, aber er wirkt weder gestresst noch miaut er, also so wie sonst auch. Sollte ich ihn mal lassen und nur beobachten oder doch mal zum TA? Danke schonmal für euere Antworten 🙂
If the spike hasn’t been stuck for any reason, it should end again.
Looks worse than it is, my hangover had had a lot of time, but the days should be better, but should be kept in mind sooner.
If your cat catches up to behave strangely or the place is somehow worsening, e.g. oysters or similar, then immediately to the veterinarian.
That he licks and brushes on it is normal.
Watching is enough. If your hangover behaves strangely, call the TA and go to G.g.F, but normally it should not be necessary. But you can cool the trick when he allows it.
If he isn’t admitted, I had already tried
Ok makes nix, that would ease the pain, but many cats are sensitive and do not want it. Maybe he lets it in a few minutes after he calmed down a bit
Watching enough as long as the wasp has not stabbed him in the mouth is all right
You should at least check if the spike is still inside. He’d have to get out.
I couldn’t see
Then it goes by itself.
As long as there’s no sting left, I wouldn’t worry.