Katze vogel gefange was nun?

Hallo,,meine katze hat auf dem balkon irgendwie einen vogel gefangen und sie ist jetzt leicht verletzt an den beinen denke ich und sie kann auch nicht über den balkon fliegen. Was nun? Soll ich ihr vogelfutter geben?

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1 month ago

Either this bird survives the next hours or not. You can best call a vacant station or veterinarian practice if necessary. You can feed the bird, but you can’t be sure if the bird accepts it. (Of course you should know what a bird that is. Otherwise the food will be nix.

1 month ago
Reply to  Lol780

Kohlmeise! Just touch them with gloves. There’s a bird flying against our window pane. I carefully raised them with disposable gloves and put them on the terrace. Stand under shock and then started to move after 30 minutes. After two hours, the bird flew away.

It is best to put a safe place in the garden. But so the bird is not caught by another animal. I’m sure he’ll fly away in 1-2 hours. You’re in shock!

They eat classic bird food, so grains of all kinds. There’s something she can put out in the vicinity, but she’ll eat the next hours. The thing just needs rest and the opportunity to fly right into freedom.

1 month ago

Right, sorry! I don’t recognize the differences. But after a short research (again) know the differences.

1 month ago


Blue ice!

1 month ago

2 options:

  1. Let the cat complete her work.
  2. Give the blue sea sunflower seeds, sit and rest and wait for them to recover.
1 month ago

It’s a blue sea.

They like to eat chopped peanuts.

Because I have the option, I would put them in a quarantine cage (I have something), offer their food and water and observe.

If you are not so equipped, you can either call a veterinarian or google if you have a wild bird help.

It looks like it’s worth it.

1 month ago

Give the little blue sea food and water, and let them rest.

My parents had a bird on the balcony last year, who had flew in front of the window. They fed him and gave him rest. 14 days he sat on the balcony, and they thought he couldn’t fly anymore. But suddenly he jumped to the table and flew away. He came by again and again this year, so we know he was fine.

1 month ago

As long as you don’t know what it is for a bird, don’t feed. You can give water, but not in a flat vessel, the animal must be able to immerse the beak properly.

1 month ago
Reply to  Lol780

Blue sea

1 month ago
Reply to  SamaMoldo

that is a blue sea

1 month ago

a blue-meise.the wounds at the tins with 3% oxigenium and water +feed.alcohol burns

1 month ago

I would call a vet