Katze plötzlich fett geworden?

Hallo, der Kater bei meinen Eltern hat in kurzer Zeit extrem an Gewicht zugenommen.

Eigentlich ist er im Sommer immer richtig drahtig.

Er ist eine reine draußen Katze, 10 Jahre alt, kastriert,frisst wie immer.

Vor einem Monat sah er noch aus wie immer und jetzt sieht er plötzlich aus wie diese fetten Hauskätzchen auf YouTube Videos 😱

Gibt’s eine Krankheit die sowas verursacht?

Und kommt mir jetzt nicht mit zum Tierarzt! Da kommt er sowieso hin!!!

Ich wollte mich nur mal vorab erkundigen was mit ihm los ist. Bei google zeigt er mir immer nur an, fett wegen Futter. Kann aber nicht sein weil er sein Leben lang immer das gleiche bekommt und in der gleichen Menge. Und wenn er nachts los zieht bewegt er sich ja auch.

Also bitte nur ernstgemeinten antworten von Leuten mit Erfahrung.

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8 months ago

There can be several causes for sudden weight gain:

  • Age: Older cats, from about 8 years old, are already considered to be lawful, or even senior, they are no longer so active and then the previous feed amount, which was completely sufficient, can quickly go to the hips. In addition, there is also the possibility of being fed elsewhere and taking up additional calories.
  • Disease condition: Of course there are also div. Diseases that can lead to sudden weight gain. These include: HAK/Hypercortisolism, a disease of the adrenal bark, an enlargement or a tumor of the gland of the brain, a thyroid subfunction, hormone disorders, arthritis (the pains and associated weight reduction, promotes weight gain) and some other things. I have now mentioned only a few examples and linked accordingly, but still a vet should look up.
  • From 10 years onwards, an annual blood pattern of the cat is also recommended to control all values such as kidney values, as these can quickly deteriorate in older cats.
8 months ago

There are various medical reasons why a cat could suddenly increase weight even if their diet and activity have not changed. Here are some possible causes:

1. **Hypothyroidism This disease can cause the metabolism of the cat to become slower, which leads to an increase in weight.

Two. **Cushing syndrome (hyperadrenocortizism)**: Overproduction of cortisol by the adrenal glands can lead to an increase in weight, especially in the abdominal area.

3. **Diabetes mellitus**: This disease can lead to an increase in weight, although it is often accompanied by increased thirst and frequent urination.

4. **Heart disease**: Some heart diseases can cause fluid accumulations in the body that look like a sudden weight increase.

Five. **Nation problems**: problems with the kidneys can lead to an accumulation of liquid in the abdominal cavity (ascites), which also looks like an increase in weight.

6. **tumours or other growth processes**: tumors in the abdominal cavity or other abnormal growth processes can cause rapid weight gain.

Since you mentioned that the cat goes to the vet in the near future anyway, this is the best step to get an accurate diagnosis. The veterinarian can determine by physical examination, blood tests and, if necessary, imaging procedures such as ultrasound or X-ray, which is the cause of sudden weight gain. Until then, it is important to keep watching him and to ensure that he otherwise does not show any other signs of illness (e.g. altered behavior, appetite loss, respiratory problems).

8 months ago
Reply to  Khalil4800

If he’s a lot out there, maybe someone else feeds him.

8 months ago
Reply to  Fantasyfan1

How should the respondent know if his entire answer is from CatGPT?! XD

8 months ago
Reply to  Khalil4800

ChatGPT content can the FS look for itself at ChatGPT, don’t you think? You also forgot to specify the source of your quotes/copies, namely ChatGPT or any other AI.

If you don’t have your own opinion, you don’t have your own experiences, then you can’t answer either. It’s easy, isn’t it?

AI answers are also undesirable (see guidelines) in GF.

8 months ago

Not (more) necessary.

8 months ago

Should you point out the support?

8 months ago

This user enters the AI “ChatGPT”, enters the question, gets a prefabricated answer from the AI, copies it and inserts it into its answers. Not a letter in this and many other answers from this user is from him/her.

8 months ago

What do you mean?

5 months ago

The castration produces obesity in cats (and other animals).