Katze macht groß nebens Klo?

Hallo, meine Katze macht seit ein paar Tagen ihr großes Geschäft neben ihr Klo. Ich verstehe es nicht sie hat 2 Toiletten und beide sind offen. (Sie hat noch eins aber das ist zu was sie nicht benutzt) naja auf jedenfall weiß ich einfach nicht was zu tun ist. Kann mir jemand helfen? (Sie hat keine Krankheiten)

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1 year ago

Mine does that when the cloister is not clean enough (if he has done a little bit before). He’s never allowed to lie in the same toilet 😅

It may also be that he does not like the scatter

Or if you have two cats, he doesn’t like to get in if the other cat has already made it in.

1 year ago

I use hygienic litter from the Edeka house brand, that like my

You can also take lump litter, which usually does not begin to smell as fast as the urine can be directly clumped and thus better removed

You have to try what you like best. Whether you are using normal single-scattered wood or silicone strut, whether it should be clumping or not

1 year ago

That’s what cats do when they’re not clean enough.

1 year ago

Then something else doesn’t fit.

1 year ago

There can be several causes, usually physical or psychological problems.
When was the last time the cat was examined? It may be that when she was examined 2 months ago, only now got something like we humans you can never say where you caught something when.

Often, however, there is also a psychological cause of reason, or lies in the nature of attitude.
for example, impurity is not at all so rare development in individual postures without release, these develop various psychological problems, obviously in some cats, in others one does not notice (as a human being) and uncleanness is, for example, a very well-known behavior which can be due to conciliation and further consequences of individual posture, so something can also occur only in a high age, sometimes even if they are disciples or completely younger.

Changes in the environment can also be a trigger for impurity, cats have a fine perception and can react sensitively to changes depending on the individual.
The toilet is cleaned several times a day, as I have read, and I assume that it has used it before and the scatter has probably not been changed or?

1 year ago

I know that a cat in urinary infection often doesn’t turn into the toilet. It connects the pain in urination with the toilet. It may be that she has intestinal problems, perhaps too hard stools and therefore also has pain.

1 year ago

Something’s wrong with you, it doesn’t have to be with the toilets. There was a change in their environment/environs