Katze hat immer Appetit?
Meine Katze ist inzwischen so ca 6 Monate alt. Noch ist sie nicht sterilisiert aber sie ist rausgeherin. Sie bekommt 2x am Tag ihr Nassfutter und ich gucke auch darauf getreidefrei zu füttern. Trotzdem wird sie fett. Rollig war sie noch nicht
At kittens all you can eat means they can eat as much as they want because of growth etc. 2x a day is so much too little. That’s why she’s hungry.
And no it will also not get fat, as she said it needs for growth etc. Several small meals should get them.
And you don’t let cats get out unchased if you’ve got bad luck it can get pregnant. There is also still rolling, so she can also be rolling without that you notice.
Especially since you can cast without waiting for the first rolling, waiting for it is NOT necessary. So please let your cat cast and as long as she has to stay inside.
Yeah, great…
If you’re bad, she’s already pregnant.
And it’s called neutering and not sterilizing. No doctor sterilizes more cats.