Katze erbricht bei Trockenfutter aber nicht bei Nassfutter?


meine Freundin hat einen Kater etwa 3 Jahre alt. Er ist sehr empfindlich was das Futter angeht und bekommt deswegen nur Hypoallergenfutter (Trockenfutter). Das hat auch eine Weile gut funktioniert, bis dann eine Zeit kam, in der er Magenprobleme hatte und vermehrt Schonkost (Nassfutter) bekommen hat. Das hat sich dann aber wieder gelegt. Seit dem kotzt er aber das Trockenfutter aus und behält nur noch das Nassfutter in sich 😕 Was kann das sein? An sich geht es ihm gut. Er spielt, ist aufgeweckt, liebt Futter. Er frisst es auch ganz normal.

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1 year ago


it could be Stomach infection the ulcer be.

My Mishu was treated in the acute phase for 6 weeks with OMEP 10mg/day + 10 days Metacam and Schonkost Royal Canin Sensitive Control + Miamor Feine Filets Huhn/Thunfisch.

Reason for breaking dry food:
Due to the subsequent swelling of the TroFu in the stomach, the stomach mucosa is strongly irritated. In addition, the stomach expands too strongly and it comes to vomiting or in combination with inflammation. Regurgitation.

Unfortunately, mostly hypoallergenic dry feed to high-calorie (18%-20% raw fat).
I can recommend this, as it does not swell in the stomach, but disintegrates and in a few minutes is normal food: PURINA PRO PLAN Veterinary Diets Feline HA ST/OX – Hypoallergenic Here, the raw fat content is only 10% and is significantly better tolerated.

Precious foodis now announced and aFeed managementthat irritates the stomach as little as possible.I recommendkattovit sensitiveorkattovit gastroMy personal favorite is sensitive.

So that the cat gets enough liquid I want your girlfriendKattovit Gastro drinkrecommend.Kattovit Gastro Drink

Your girlfriend can call the TA and ask if it’s okay if she gets the homeopathic 1-2 times a day Gastricumeel under the food. Here I recommend mixing the tablet form for mortar and in 1ml water dissolved under the feed.Heel Gastricumeel Cat This has been my alternative to OMEP for a long time.

Fornauseacan you get the homeopathicNux Vomica D12 give.Nux Vomica D12 Cat

I wish the cat of your friend all the best and look forward to a “help-free” and a “danke” click.

Best regards DaLi♀️ ♀️, Leo😺 and Mishu😺

1 year ago

Quite simply: give wet food. It’s healthier anyway.

But I’d let him check why he’s so sensitive. There can be serious problems.

7 months ago

Raw meat with a little finely turbulent tube,or best mice.

In the trofu, but also in the wet food there are many additives, such as artificially added synthetic minerals or vitamins.

Good wet food in cans,in organic quality,smoothly cooked, gives on Pfotenliebe.de

1 year ago

Good Wednesday timeless,

then best leave the dry food completely.

Dry food should be provided as an intermediate snack anyway, but not regularly – because it is difficult for the health of cats such as

excessive risk of overweight

Harn & Kidney Diseases u.a.

1 year ago

Reduce the amount and slow down. I think he’s slinging more than his stomach fits. Dry food also has more energy density. Wash dry and wet food and take only sensitive and gastrointestinal dry food.

3 months ago

Don’t dry food. That’s like people eating wrong=> vomiting 🤮

1 year ago

Then make sure he has regular wet food.

I’m sorry.

1 year ago

In this case, the solution is very simple. The dry food is completely removed.

1 year ago

hello, you got that Hypoallergenic food (dry food) is ordered by the veterinarian?.lg.flocke

1 year ago

Then he doesn’t get dry food (eyes twisted)!