Katze aus animal hoarding Haushalt?


Ich lebe in einer kleinen Familie ohne kleine Kinder mit großem Haus und kleinem Garten.

Ich würde gerne eine Katze aus dem Tierheim adoptieren, ich hatte wegen einer bestimmten angerufen die leider schon vermittelt wurde. Mir wurde gesagt dass ich zwei Katzen anschauen könnte die aus einem animal hoarding Haushalt kommen und ängstlich sind.

Wenn ich versuche mich über das Thema zu informieren finde ich nur Reportagen zum Thema an sich aber nichts darüber wie ich am besten mit so einer Katze umgehen.

Ich möchte der Katze wenn ich sie adoptiere ein schönes Leben schenken gerade weil sie vorher wohl sehr gelitten haben muss, nur bin ich mir leider nicht sicher ob ich der Aufgabe gewachsen bin.

Ich bin ein mitfühlender Mensch und habe auch genügend Geduld nur habe ich selber noch nie eine Katze gehabt. In meiner Kindheit hatten wir zwar welche aber das ist etwas anderes als selbst Katzenhalter zu werden. Deswegen ist meine Frage einfach nur kann man sich solch ein Tier zutrauen als erste Katze? Mit was muss ich rechnen über was sollte ich mich im Vorfeld informieren?

Klar werde ich erst genaueres wissen wenn ich auch vom Tierheim höre wie die Katze so drauf ist aber ich würde mich trd schonmal gerne darauf vorbereiten.

Kann eine solche Katze alleine gehalten werden? Es wäre immer jemand da der sich kümmert und wenn sie kastriert etc ist wäre auch die Möglichkeit zum Freigang vorhanden.

Ich danke euch im voraus und seid bitte ehrlich denn nur so kann ich der Katze gegebenenfalls wirklich helfen

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6 months ago

Animals from such households are very versatile, there are such and such, unfortunately many are sometimes simply in a bad state or even character not quite without and fear is also expressed in a general way, but basically you are dealing with other anxiety cats. Bear in mind that there is no guarantee that the cats become suspicious and slimy, there are those who need to open you only to the food and otherwise have less with their holders on the hat, possibly a few strokes if they want, there are such and such cats.
Give them time, free space, plenty of retreats and let the cats come from themselves. Fearing animals need a lot of time, they should have rest and no one who always comes to them. I also recommend ceiling scratching trees, because cats like sitting and lying on top, they can be freely designed and a scratching tree should min. be so high that cats can easily get up and still have air up. In addition, alternatives such as scratchboard and co should be present, min. 1 clo more than cats in the house (cat min. 4 weeks, tending to leave for 6 weeks outside for accusation) and distribute drinking possibilities in the house, here I can recommend drinking wells, but don’t have to be, if you still get some stainless steel.

In addition, I would recommend you also to the safety of the cats that you surround your garden cats safe, so the cats can still get out later without threatening them dangers or becoming themselves a danger, stab word hunting on singing birds and the outset dangers caused by poisonous baits, people, public transport, other cats etc. just anxious animals can be very unpredictable in panic and a cat-safe garden is highly recommended, so you don’t have to worry if they are out and there are companies that are so professional, I can recommend you very much.
Trendy cats don’t keep alone as possible, cats are not single-goers, but only individual hunters and can develop strong psychological problems.
There are only a few cats that should really be kept individually, including those who have lived for too long alone and whose social behaviour has suffered so much that they are incompatible, or animals that cannot be kept with others for health reasons. As a human being, you can’t replace any kind of co-worker, that’s not possible biologically, and in other words, such cats are also only conveyed in pairs if they already hang together, for this topic I have also linked you a video, as the consequences of individual attitude is simply an underestimated but very massive problem.
To do this, it is also necessary to note that free-goers do not automatically find good contacts outside, dealing with fellows with whom they accumulate life is a distinctly different one than that they have to x-loving and strange cats and if you already get two matching animals offered together, I would really recommend that even if it is so much better for the cats.


Take care of a cat-friendly diet, but for the beginning the more feeding what they got before, because a change must be started slowly and takes min. 10 days that can otherwise be very hitting the stomach, so first of all should be the previous texture.
Pay attention to a clear declaration with min. 65% meat content and cereals/ gluten, and sugar-free, MjaMjam and Catz Finefood are very popular, for example, of course there is much more.
However, avoids sorting like horse and kangaroo, etc., in order to be able to perform a better exclusion procedure at the age of possible emerging incompatibility. Also cat grass should always be present, please note that it is not a cyperus (This is the standart cat grass) but soft grasses are, since cyperus is very sharp-edged and the animals can hurt) soft grasses are soft, mostly cereal grasses, are non-toxic and the animals cannot hurt.

6 months ago

You do not make a mistake with it; you realize that the cat is important to you.

Yes, cats can live well by themselves as long as they are already busy in their wake phases. Cats like to sleep 15-18 hours a day; you don’t have to spend any free minutes with them. However, one usually likes to do this because they tend to slender.

Cats cannot be educated; they differ from dogs. It is mostly turned around: you add your mood. If you expect her to respond to Pfiff and follow you: Forget it…;-)

If she doesn’t feel crowded and you let it go slowly, she will trust and slowly accept you.

Very important and irrespective of where a cat originates: only feed with a high proportion of meat. You can hide Dan’s entire cheap volunteers – only about 5 percent of meat and lots of addictions and fillers. That’s what they eat because it tastes good. Healthy things are different: there should be more than 60 percent meat. This doesn’t cost much more because it gets fed faster and therefore needs less. Overall, it remains healthy for longer and also the fur becomes more silky.

6 months ago
Reply to  ZoeChan4896

I can call the one or the other brand, but as experience has shown, this is not meaningful because every cat prefers other food. In supermarkets you usually find a provider at best; in the case of animal artifacts much more.

See the contents; the percentages are usually well understood. Then take two small doses of different flavors from each manufacturer and look which the cat does not like. never put two different doses at the same time; only one. You can also choose from the smell and consistency.

Also buy two special lids for the cans, so that they can not be mounted open, but reasonably well airtight. The cats do not always have to plaster the contents of a whole can at once.

Veterinary: Visit nearby Praxen and see what impression the staff makes. If there is a rainy change or if they are quite rejective, I would go there rather only in absolute emergency if there was to be a better alternative. It is beneficial to know that in advance, because you never know when to visit.

If an animal clinic is nearby, this is a plus because there is often 24/7 someone available. At least these addresses should be listed on the refrigerator.

6 months ago

If a farmer has many animals, most of them have hardly any contact with the farmer, who cannot care about all animals.

In the first 12 weeks of life, cats need a lot of contact with the human being (and a mother cat that trusts the human being) in order to become tame.

If socialization is missed by people, cats will be shy.

With a lot of patience and a lot of time you can tame any cat. It can take weeks, months or years. Depending on how much contact with the human being they had with the Hoarder.

You’d have one or two cats that don’t want to do anything with you and hide and just come out at night.

You tame cats by giving them only one room.

There you spend a lot of time with them, sing and talk to the cats. You don’t push them and wait until they get to one.

If one has tamed a cat, then it depends strongly on you – and escapes when other people are visiting. Many people call it an improbably strong feeling of happiness when the cat comes to the lap for the first time.

Alternatively, you could keep the mites as semi-wild garden cats. Even then they will get used to you, it will only take a lot longer.

That they’re so stupid is the worst case. In the best case, “anxious” means that they will know the people a little and cheer up faster.

Whether this is so much love and time to invest before you get affection from the cats, you need to know yourself.

6 months ago
Reply to  ZoeChan4896

First of all, find out what the animal shelter understands as “anxious”.

Sleep after a night about it jnd talk to your family.

If the answer is yes, then you will get the taming.

A cat-proof room has the advantage that they can’t constantly evade you to have nothing to do with you.

And for you it is probably soothing to know where they are