Kater schreit wegen rolliger Katze?

Hallo, mein Kater hat anscheinend über unser Fenster “Freundschaft” mit einer rolligen Katze geschlossen.
Er darf im Gegensatz zu der besagten Katze nicht nach draußen aber steht und schreit so lange am Fenster bis diese Katze vorbei kommt und sich mit ihm “unterhält”.

Das geht jetzt schon seit mehreren Tagen so und langsam verlieren wir hier die Nerven weil unser Kater den ganzen Tag und tief bis in die Nacht rum schreit.

Weiß jemand wie man ihn davon abhalten kann?

Liebe Grüße und danke im Voraus!

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10 months ago

If your cat is not castrated, it is highly recommended to do this, which saves the cat a lot of stress and even your nerves on time, if there is no appointment yet (if there is an appointment already, only patience will help).
If your cat is currently a single posture, a suitable artefact (equal age, similar character and gender as much as possible and best neutered) is also appropriate, since cats are not single loners.

10 months ago

Let him be cast when he’s not yet. And the cat’s owner, if known, is more than irresponsible to let an uncatched cat out.

10 months ago


The urge to pair with the cat would be extinguished immediately after the first pairing, as cats only come together to the Kopola. Otherwise they’re single-handed.

Another solution would be if the owner is known to keep his rolling cat at home.


10 months ago
Reply to  wellen123

Otherwise, they’re single-handed.

That’s wrong.

It may apply to the shy and non-damped wildcat. This is not the case in this FS. This is the mean house cat.

10 months ago
Reply to  DaLiLeoMishu

This can be refuted by the fact that at the latest as soon as the kittens are locked together with the father or other cats, he most likely kills them.Instinctive. The cat does not seek a hiding place as far as possible from fellows for free before birth.

10 months ago

The mother can also be injured in defense!