Kater schmeißt Trinkbrunnen um?
Hello, mein Kater 9 Monate Kastriert schmeißt sein Trinkbrunnen in der Nacht ständig um (Keramik oder nicht Kermaik) selbst Näpfe wo Wasser drinne ist schafft er es um zu kippen , was kann ich noch machen? Unser anderes Kätzchen verhält sich nicht wie unser Kater.
So what? is not easy to tilt, especially if it is on a wall, in the case of particularly talented cats, possibly also in a corner.
Hallöchen :
I guess your cat is a very curious one.
Some cats like to fish in the water. By e.g. pattern, it seems that there is something to catch there.
It is also possible to use a water tap with a stand or a suction device. These are found in the dog’s needs.
Please don’t take the water away! It doesn’t bring anything, it’s just useless animal torture.
I find your answer and the suggestions contained in it great.
In the cited pass, I would like to ask you to choose this word always with care because it is used in this context, because only wet food with 80% moisture already supplies the cat very well with necessary liquid. Thus, if necessary, no water could be put in place and it would be “only” safe, but no “usless animal quality”.
Best regards 🙋 ♀️ +😺 +😺
A heavier shell or shell put into a bottom plate for pots that the rim stabilizes the shell so that it can no longer tilt it.
Doesn’t he like the water? My cats prefer to drink rainwater and fill the bowl when it is possible.
I use the largest round bowl on this collection for my cats:
https://www.petfriends.ch/de/ceramic pot-brown-beige-400641g-7.html?gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaQobChMIwsecuoLThgMVjpKDBx2yUA3ZEAQYBiABEgL6z_D_BwE
Originally he was employed as a drinking bowl for my then guinea pig group… today as a stable water bowl for my two cats. The bowl is already relatively heavy in empty form and filled with water, should it really not be pushed around.
Stick it firmly (the drinking bowl not the cat) 😂
Then I guess you need a non-turnable vessel.
Either a stable vessel or there is no water until it gets it.
Oh, man! Please don’t just take the water away!
The animal doesn’t learn about this and that’s the animal torture….