Kater lässt mich nicht im Bett schlafen?
Hey.ich verzweil langsam.weil mein Kater mich immer nachts weckt für mal mehr oder weniger Bedürfnisse.zb fressen,trinken, spielen.aber auch nur damit wir genug Zeit miteinander verbringen.
Heute Nacht hat der Kater den Knaller schlecht hin gebracht.
Er weckt mich,bringt mich ins Wohnzimmer bis ich mich eingesetzt haben und dann marschiert er ins Bett und schläft.
Er ist ca 13 Jahre alt.sehkraft ist vermindert,dement mit Fragezeichen.
Eventuell hat wer einen Tip für mich,wie ich wieder in Ruhe in mein Bett schlafen kann
Individual cats at the high age like to become something strange, also because they align themselves with their favorite person (must) from the lack of an artist.
You can help your cat get more rest by attaching night lights to the apartment with motion detectors. He can better orient himself.
Then you can buy drinking fountains that are also illuminated.
Whatever helps are Felisept or Feliway scent plugs for cats. These spread a pleasant scent for cats and they can relax better.
In human years, your 13-year-old cat is saying and writing 80 years! Opi.
It has been found in dementia that L-theanine from green tea extract has a relaxing and soothing effect. You write that you speculate that your cat is now becoming/is dement.
The support with the dietary supplement Sedarom or Anxitane could be a great way for your cat to rest at night.
Information about Sedarom:
Sedarom has the following ingredients and therefore action:
Search for the individual natural ingredients. You will find that all of them are well researched and can help people in such situations well.
Otherwise, see if you add a feeding sequence to your cat again at night, so that he can go to the night. Satte cats are satisfied cats who like to sleep deeply and firmly after the feast.
A feed machine could also help.
Maybe your hangover will find it great if you click with him every night? Clickern” with cat – Beginner Guide – Tips & Tricks – Clicker Training with Cat https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iLhHljNyF8I
And at the end: For January 2025, please do a veterinarian’s med, let a geriatric blood count make it completely checked, so that possible diseases can be detected and treated in a targeted manner. Because what you interpret as “demence” could also be a symptom of permanent poisoning of the cat’s body by a kidney failure. There, toxins from the blood are not adequately filtered and excreted and this also makes spiritual confusion.
I wish you and your cat all the best.
Best regards 🙋 ♀️ +😺 +😺
Cats have their own head and as with people they become strange at age and can also get something like dementia.
Days about busy and preparing for some food and employment at night. What to drink should be available 42/7. Otherwise you can only lock him out of the bedroom at night and ignore him when he screams.
Make him a Valerian Stinkessock for the night and/or hide small food servings in the apartment. Except of course in the bedroom. Then he has a job. 😀
If you have a drinking bowl and a fress bowl with dripping food standing permanently, these two points are lost. Everything else is pure educational thing. Noage just wants to be learned.
Why do you let your hangover decide where you go or what you do? Cats are like them. They want food and food. But if you do all this because he wants it, but you don’t get like you see a problem. It’s the same for dogs. You’re trying. If my cat wakes me up at night, I’ll put him in front of my room door and close her. He has to wait. He doesn’t starve in the few hours I need my sleep.
Your cat raised you better than vice versa.
Don’t let him in the bedroom.
Not as sweet as you
And what is the question?
How to get to sleep again at night
Did you try to close your bedroom door?
Create the Stubentiger toy that’s busy all night. For example: Powerball 2.0 by wloom